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Baloo's Bugle


September 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 2
October 2004 Theme

Theme: It's A Circus of Stars
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 1 & Activities





Circle Ten Council

PERSONNEL: Six Cubs dressed as clowns carrying balloons, each with a letter in CIRCUS on it.

Cub # 1:       C - Come and watch what we have in store.

Cub # 2:       I - Including fantastic acts never seen before.

Cub # 3:       R - Roaring lions may fill you with fright.

Cub # 4:       C - Clowns will be making you laugh all night.

Cub # 5:       U - Using the Pledge of Allegiance for our show to begin.

Cub # 6:       S - Stand now together as our flag is brought in.

Circus of Stars

Heart of America Council

Personnel – 10 Cub Scouts in circus costumes.  (Or if you are short on boys, use 5 and double the parts) Cards with circus pictures facing the audience.  Their parts are on back in LARGE print. (Or just have Cubmaster read the poem)

Cub # 1:       It’s a Circus of Stars is our theme for this month; we think it is a dilly;

Cub # 2:       Both circuses and little boys can sometimes be quite silly.

Cub # 3:       Den leaders find it a natural to do this kind of show.

Cub # 4:       They run a three-ring circus every single week, you know.

Cub # 5:       At a circus there is shouting, roaring, stamping, whistles tooting;

Cub # 6:       Tumbling, pushing, falling, wrestling, and a rolling and a-rooting.

Cub # 7:       At den meetings things keep moving, constant motion, constant noise.

Cub # 8:       There are lots of things in common between circuses and boys.

Cub # 9:       We’ve put all the dens together; it’s not Ringling Brothers, you know.

Cub # 10:    But we think you will enjoy it, so let’s get on with the show.


Circle Ten Council

PERSONNEL: Five Cub Scouts enter, dressed as clowns, holding posters with large letters and sayings on back.

Cub # 1:       C - C is for Cub Scouts - Cub Scouts like to laugh and to have fun.

Cub # 2:       L - L is for Leaders - Leaders are there to show, teach and to help.

Cub # 3:       O - O is for Opportunity - An opportunity to have boys laugh with you rather than at you.

Cub # 4:       W - W is for Webelos - Webelos are older Cub Scouts that also like to laugh and have fun.

Cub # 5:       N - N is for nothing - Nothing in the world has more learning and laughter and fun than Cub Scouting.

Circus Opening (and Pack Show ideas)

Longhorn Council

The Pack Meeting is set up and run like a world class circus.  The Cubmaster is attired as a ringmaster.  Cub Scouts are in costumes.

Ringmaster:  Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to “The Circus of Stars!”  Let’s greet our performers as they make their grand entrance by standing and singing the Star Spangled Banner (or another patriotic marching song)

Play a snappy recording of the chosen song as flags and color guard lead the parade.  All Cub Scouts are in their den-made costumes as clowns, side show members, aerial artists, trained and wild animals.  Use brilliant colors, fantastic costumes and masks with lots of imagination.  Have thrilling circus music and capricious clowns (Den Leaders would be good for this part) fill in slack time between the circus acts in the show.


Heart of America Council

Personnel: 6 Cub Scouts

Cub # 1:  If your life is to be as happy As a circus, bright and gay,

Cub # 2:  There is something you can do, As you hurry through each day.

Cub # 3:  Be happy and cheerful, And remember not to frown.

Cub # 4:  But give freely of your smiles, And you can be happy as a clown

Cub # 5:  For a smile costs a little, But to others means so much.

Cub # 6:  So if everyone keeps smiling, Our lives will have that happy touch.




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