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Baloo's Bugle


September 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 2
October 2004 Theme

Theme: It's A Circus of Stars
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 1 & Activities





Circle Ten Council

 (Tune: "I've Been Working on the Railroad")

I am walking through the circus,
Happy as can be.
I am walking through the circus,
Just to see what I can see.
I can see the clown laughing.
I can see the elephant, too.
I can see the lion sleeping.
Look out! He sees you.


Circle Ten Council

 (Tune: Take Me Out to the Ballgame)

Take me out to the circus,

Take me to the Big Top.

I want to see the clowns tumbling,

As I eat popcorn and drink soda pop.

Oh, the lions and tigers may scare me,

The high wire acts will amaze.

So it's me, you.....oh, the things we will do

On our circus days !!!!!!!


Circle Ten Council

 (Tune: The Wheels On The Bus)

The clowns in the circus make us go

ha ha ha,  ha ha ha ,  ha ha ha

The clowns in the circus make us go ha ha ha

All day long!


The lions in the circus go

grrrr grrrr grrrr,  grrrr grrrr grrrr,  grrrr grrrr grrrr

The lions in the circus go grrrr grrrr grrrr

All day long!


The elephants in the circus go

eerrrr eerrrr eerrrr,  eerrrr eerrrr eerrrr, eerrrr eerrrr eerrrr

The elephants in the circus go eerrrr eerrrr eerrrr

All day long!


The hot dog man at the circus yells

red hots here!  red hots here!  red hots here!

The hot dog man at the circus yells red hots here!

All day long.

(Continue by adding verses that the boys make up!)

Boom Boom Ain't it Great to be Crazy

Santa Clara County Council


Boom Boom, ain't it great to be Crazy?

Boom Boom, ain't it great to be Crazy?

Giddy and Foolish all day long

Boom Boom, ain't it great to be Crazy!

Ideas for verses –

Be sure to make some of your own, too!!

Way down south where bananas grow

A flea stepped on a elephant's toe

The elephant cried with tears in his eyes

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

Way up north were there's ice and snow

There was a penguin and his name was Joe

He got tired of black and white

So he wore pink slacks to the dance last night!

A horse and a flea and three blind mice

Sat on the curbstone shooting dice

The horse, he slipped and fell on the flea

Woops! said the flea, there's a horse on me!

I bought a suit of combination underwear

Guaranteed not to rip or tear

I wore them six months and to my consternation

I couldn't get the darned thing off, I'd lost the combination!

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,

And Fuzzy Wuzzy cut his hair.

So, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy.

No, by Jove, he wasn't, was he?

I take a swim in my swimming pool.

I jump from the board 'cause that's the rule.

I hit my head on cement and mortar.

Forgot to look - there was no water.

That one-eared cat who used to sit

Watching Grandma rock and knit

Swallowed a ball of bright red yarn,

And out came kittens with red sweaters on

The Den Trapeze

Longhorn Council

Tune: The Man on the Flying Trapeze

We flew to our task with the greatest of ease,
Our circus would have a sturdy trapeze.
With hammer and nails and our Den Mother’s Care,
We thought we’d be able to fly through the air.

We’d finish the job for our circus fling,
But our trapeze was leaning, we hoped it would swing.
The pack was assembled and ready to go,

When our trapeze crashed down — the star of the show.
We didn’t float through the air with the greatest of ease,
There was no one on our flying trapeze.
No actions were graceful,
No one we could please,
Our trapeze came down with a boom!!!

The Calliope Song

Longhorn Council

Divide the pack meeting into four or five groups. Begin with the first group and bring each of the others in one at a time.

1st group sings: Um-pah-pah

2nd group sings: Um—sss—sss

3rd group sings: Urn-peep--peep

4th group sings: Urn-tweedle-tweedle

Last group sings: either the melody of “Daisy, Daisy” or “Where Has My Little Dog Gone?” or “The More We Get Together”.

Circus Fun

Longhorn Council

Tune: Clementine

At the circus, there are lions,
And they roar so very loud;
They send shivers sharp as slivers,
Through the anxious crowd.


Oh, the circus, yes the circus.
Lots of fun for young and old;
Peanuts, popcorn, cotton candy,
Till your stomach no more can hold.

At the circus, there are elephants,
That parade and swing away,
As they work, and never shirk,
With mere peanuts for their pay.


The Circus Comes To Town

Longhorn Council

Tune: When Johnny comes Marching Home

The Cub Scout circus comes to town
Hurrah, hurrah.
The elephants, monkeys and the clowns
Hurrah, hurrah.
The big brass band, it plays around
The circus acts with lots of sound,
And we’ll all be there, -When
the circus comes to town.

The circus parade has come to town
Hurrah, hurrah,
With lions and tigers, and bears, and clowns,
Hurrah, hurrah,
The acrobats will do some tricks
The juggler performs with balls and sticks,
And we’ll all be glad
When the circus comes to town.

The African lions growl so loud,
They make me quake,
The tightrope walker walks so high,
He makes me shake. – I
laugh at the clowns as they perform,
Eat peanuts, candy and hot popcorn,
Oh, join in the fun,
When the circus comes to town.






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