January Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 5
When I Grow Up
Webelos Fitness & Readyman
Tiger Big Ideas 9 & 10
No, I didn't get lost. Many of you have sent items, questions comments to me over the last month or so, and I have been late in replying. One question I received was about slides. This scouter said she really missed them when there aren't slides in the Bugle. In part my reply would have been, "Sometimes I don't find slides in the powwow books I look through, but I will be more watchful for them." This month there is a slide that was sent directly to me, look for it in Pack and Den activities.
Another scouter sent me in a skit which I am also including this month, it is really cute and is called Survivor.
Now, just what is going on with me. In September we sent our son off to school : (He is doing great by the way!)
Early early October I took a full-time job in a position totally new to me as an advertising consultant: before the days of fancy schmanchy titles it was called outside salesperson. Yes, I am selling advertising for a huge classified advertising newspaper. This newspaper is new to Huntsville, so ALL of us are working 6-7 days a week to make it as successful as possible. If you have emailed me, and I haven't answered please accept my apologies, and email me again.
Needless to say, this has really cut into my spare time, but it is a choice I and my co-workers have made. Then if all of that wasn't enough to cut into my spare time for scouting, I found on November 1st I had no powwow books to give me direction for the 2001 themes. I almost stopped breathing when I realized this. I put out a plea on Scouts-L begging for help and my pleas/prayers were answered. So I would like to thank Jerry L, Darlene S., George C., Dave D. Leslie, Barb S., Lydia P., for their overwhelming support in helping me do this issue. With the ideas and suggestions they sent I think Baloo's Bugle will again measure up to your expectations. If you happen to have an extra powwow book sitting around though, I could always use it.
And now I am excited to share with you a new email address I have. It is CMR1954@usscouts.org My family & I have been kicking around the idea of changing ISP's so you can always try to use my personal email account, but my usscouts account will be more reliable in case we decide to change from AOL.
Be sure to check out our new look at USSSP. We have expanded all areas, including my first love, Cub Scouting.
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