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January Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 5

When I Grow Up
Webelos Fitness & Readyman
Tiger Big Ideas 9 & 10



Gathering Activity:  Later in the meeting recognize the person who has the most signatures.  Also recognize anyone who has had more than one career.  Ask if anyone has done more than two career changes.  You could have some of these people give a one minute highlight about their career.


Pacific Skyline

Directions: Find people who are doing or have done any of these careers and have them sign on the line.  If someone has done more than one career have them sign in a second space.  Limit of 2 spaces per signer.


1.      Farmer

2.      Transportation

3.      Architect, construction ____________________

4.      Armed Forces _______________________

5.      Bonus: Something not on the list ________________

6.      Travel industry ___________________________

7.      Business person ________________________

8.      Teacher __________________________

9.      Researcher ________________________

10.  Entertainer-What kind? ____________________

11.  Heavy equipment operator __________________

12.  Bonus: Something not on the list ________________

13.  Chef, waiter or waitress _______________________

14.  Bonus: Something not on the list ________________

15.  Computer related _____________________

16.  Parks and Recreation _______________________

17.  Medical profession _________________________

18.  Law or law enforcement ______________________


Lines of Work Quiz
Detroit Area Council


Identify the person who you think made the following remarks about their line of work:

1. It has its ups and downs.     _____

2. I get a bang out of it!     _____

3. I set new records every day     _____

4. I get a kick out of it.     ____

5. Baaaaaaad!      _____


A. Football player

B. Shepherd

C. Drummer

D. Disc jockey

E. Elevator operator

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