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January Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 5

When I Grow Up
Webelos Fitness & Readyman
Tiger Big Ideas 9 & 10




Northwest Suburban Council

Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.

If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

Pacific Skyline

Q: What does a new Webelos Scout say?

A: I can Bear no more!


Q: What happens to the patches on your shirt after washing?

A: They get all rankled.

E. Bateman

Doctor: Open mouth, stick out tongue, say Ahhhhhhhhh!

Politician Applause: Pat your self on the back.

Avon Lady: Point a forefinger and shout, "Ding, Dong! "

Barker's Yell: Show time, Show time!

Bullfighter: Hold down cape and move to in appropriate motion while shouting "OLE!


E Bateman

Boys love to yell, so do a competitive Yell to work off steam and build up the level of excitement. Split the camp fire into two halves have one side say:

There ain't no fly's on us! There ain't no fly's on us!

There may be fly's on some of you guys,

But there ain't no fly's on us!

The other side responds with:

Give 'em straw!

Give 'em hay! give 'em something to stop that neigh!

Get both sides going at once and wear ear plugs!!!!!


Here's a good one for Cubs:

RAH RAH REE, Kick 'em in the knee!

RAH RAH RAS, Kick ,em in the (pause) Other knee.



Pacific Harbor


Welcome:  This is good to use when introducing someone new.  Have the group say with much enthusiasm "Welcome, Welcome, Welcome."  This can also be done as two Welcomes and a Hello.


Computer Applause: Can not compute, Den__ is too great!

Applauses, Cheers, and Yells

Astronaut Applause: Countdown, 10 – 1!! BLASTOFF!

Avon Lady Applause: Point a forefinger and shout, “Ding, Dong!”

Carpenter Applause: Pretend to be holding a hammer in one hand and a nail in the other.  Start pounding the nail with the hammer while saying, “Bang, Bang, Ouch.”

Doctor Applause: Open mouth, stick out tongue, say AHHHHHHHHH!

Fireman Yell: Water, Water, Water!  More, More, More!

Fisherman Cheer: Pretend to reel out some line, let it drift, yank your pretend pole back and start to reel in the fish.  Struggle with it for a short time and say:  “I’ve Got It!!! I’ve Got It!!!

Fire Engine Cheer: Divide the group into 4 sections:  1) Rings the bell fast, DING; 2) Honks the horn, HONk, HONK, HONK; 3) Sounds the siren, Rrrr, Rrrr, Rrrr; 4) Clangs the clanger, CLANG, CLANG, CLANG.  Have all four groups do their parts together.

Lumberjack Cheer: Pretend to be chopping a tree then shout “Chop, Chop, Chop, TIMMMMBERRRR!”

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