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January Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 5

When I Grow Up
Webelos Fitness & Readyman
Tiger Big Ideas 9 & 10



Barb Stephens


You can make an "Emergency Kit" to suit your group of


Emergency Kit

Select the games/ideas that you want to use.  Get any materials that may be required for them and put them all in a crate along with the two wrapped boxes described next.  This is your emergency kit.


Cover two small shoeboxes with wrapping paper (lid and box separately).  On slips of paper, write each of the following (you can add your own).

Fold the papers and place them in box 1.  When you run low on activities, let a Cub draw one paper from the box.  This is the activity they can do for 10 minutes.  If they haven't done it yet, you can teach them.  Many of these ideas are easy to learn.  Then put the completed activity in box 2 so it won't be selected again too soon.



You need a rag or sock or a real banana (not peeled).  All players form a circle with all sitting on the floor.  It is important for the players to sit close together with their knees up and their hands tucked under their legs.  The person in the middle has to figure out where the banana is

as the players in the circle are passing the "banana" under their legs secretly.


Barnyard Scramble

Give each child the name of an animal on a slip of paper.  Make sure there are at least two of each animal.  On the signal, the kids must make the sound that their animals make and try to find other kids with the same animal.


Charade Box

Have a box prepared with simple ideas to act out written on a slip of  paper.  These may be done alone or with a buddy.  Add to these or change them often if you find that the kids like this activity.  Charades can be as simple or

complex as the kids are ready for; e.g., setting the table, bowling, drinking something you like, eating corn on the cob, etc.


Corner Tag

Pick four corners or spots and give each spot a name (Apple, Orange, Banana, Grape; Squirrel, Frog, Bird, Snake; or just 1, 2, 3, 4). Place a sign in each corner with a picture of the name you have chosen for it.   Gather

The kids together and point out the four corners and their names.  Choose one child to be "It". "It" stands in the middle of the area or room, covers his eyes, and counts to 20 while the other players run to the corners.  Keeping

his eyes closed, "It" calls out the name of a corner.  Everyone in that corner is out of the game. "It" closes his eyes and counts again while the remaining boys all run to a corner again.  The game continues until only one person is left who then becomes "It" for the next round.


Cub Handbook Hunt

Look through your Wolf/Bear/Webelos handbook.  Write in the page number of the handbook where the following (and more) can be found:


1.  Find a picture of the food pyramid.


2.  Find a Native American game.


3.  Find the rank requirements list.


4.  Find where there's information on sign language.


5.  Find the story about Akela.


6.  Find directions for making invisible ink.


7.  Find a page showing knots.


8.  Find a page that discusses the American flag.


9.  Find out how to sharpen a knife.


10.  Find the Cub Scout motto.


11.  Find where/how to wear insignia.


12.  Find where first aid is discussed.


13.  Find a picture of a tool.


14.  Find the requirement that includes collections.


15.  Find bike safety rules.


16.  Find the page that discusses religious emblems.


(Note: Not all the above are in any one handbook.  Use the ones that are and find others to add to your list.


Good Morning Captain

The captain sits slightly apart from the group and is blindfolded.  The leader indicates a player who says "Good Morning Captain!"  The captain tries to name the speaker.  If the captain correctly identifies the speaker

he retains his position.  If not the player becomes the new captain.  Players should try to disguise their voice.


Penguin Tag

Everyone must keep their knees together and elbows "glued" to the side of their bodies.  Everyone is 'it' - you tag others by waddling over and tagging them lightly with your flippers.


Person to Person

Have the kids pair up with a single person being the caller.  The singleton calls out "hip to hip" or "elbow to elbow" or any other acceptable body part.  When the singleton calls "Person to Person," the paired kids must then un-pair and find a new partner.  The singleton tries to get a partner also, so there is a new singleton to do the calling.


Poor Kitty

The children are arranged in a circle, sitting down.  The one child is the "poor kitty" and he goes up to another child purring and meowing.  The person approached must pat the kitty on the head and say, "Poor Poor Kitty."

If the child laughs, then he must become the kitty and try to make others laugh.


Promise (or Law) Relay

Have the Promise (or Law) written out on strips of paper so that each line is incomplete.  Have boys one at a time, draw a slip of paper from a hat, race to a board (or table) and put the pieces of paper together in the correct order.  Reward everyone.

Simon Says

One person is chosen to be "Simon" the others stand in a strait line.  Simon then calls out a an action for the children to follow.  It can be anything like, touch your toes, jump 10 times on 1 foot, etc.  Simon when giving an action can simply state the action by itself ("touch your ears") but whoever does this is out and has to sit down.  Or Simon can say "Simon says, touch your ears" and then everyone must follow the instruction.  You can vary the actions according to the age group of children you are playing with.  The last person who is standing can then be "Simon"!


Touch Blue

The game begins with everyone in a circle.  The leader will call out, "Touch Blue" and everyone must touch something that is blue (someone's shorts, piece of a shirt).  Continue by calling out different colors and/or body parts, etc.


Have a postal question on general information (they can help about collecting and displaying stamps)

Check out



Cooperative Choosing
Pacific Harbor

It's no fun to be chosen last; regardless of the reason (popularity or competitiveness) that last boy usually feels bad about himself, the other boys and the game.  Cooperative Choosing eliminates this problem by using creative means of dividing up into teams.  Try using birth months (January, February, March is Team 1, April, May, June is Team 2, etc.)  Alternatively, use first or last initials, last digit of phone numbers, or anything else you can think of to divide boys into teams.


The Never-Ending Game
Pacific Harbor

Not a game, so much as a method; consider using this method when playing any game where boys are eliminated as the game progresses.  Divide boys into two groups and give each group the same task.  When a boy is eliminated from one group, he joins the other group.  Some boys will get more exercise than others but no one ever sits out.  This method keeps boys from becoming bored and causing problems while the leader's attention is on the game.


Training for Unit Committees
Trapper Trails Council
Dale Marble  DCM


Many of us as a child, learned the string game   " The Cat's Cradle"

Here two people with a string knotting the two ends to form a circle pass it back and forth in a variety of forms between their hands.



You need at least 42 feet of rope, ends tied together.

Instead of two people you need four.

Where your finger and thumb work together before now your arms replace them.

To start the activity,  two people stand inside the rope at waist high.

Make a wrap with the rope, around each persons waist.

Pull the rope from around the waist of each person and loop it over the other person head.

This is where you start the training.

Can the four people proceed without talking, probably not.

Communication is a key point here.

Everyone must work together to solve the problem and figure out what to do next.

Remember never give up.

(Hint: Add two more people doing the small game, working along with you, to help figure it out where you are at.)

Questions? E-Mail  buggs@mstar2.net


Offer good thru 12/31/00

Boys' Life has a reading contest each year.  To enter the 2000 contest write a one-page report titled "The Best Book I Read This Year": and enter it in the Boys' Life 2000 "Say Yes to Reading!" Contest.

The book can be fiction or non-fiction. But the report has to be in your own words. Enter in one of the three age categories:

•8 years old and younger, •9 and 10 years old, •11 years and older.

When Pedro receives your report, you'll get a free patch.

(And yes, the patch is a temporary insignia, so it can be worn on the Boy Scout, or Cub Scout uniform shirt, on the right pocket. Proudly display it there!)

The top three winners from each age group will also get a Leatherman multi-tool, copies of Codemaster books 1 and 2, the limited edition Codemaster pin-and-patch set--plus their names will be announced in Boys' Life!

The contest is open to all Boys' Life readers. Be sure to include your name, address, age and grade in school on the entry.

Send your report, along with a business-size addressed, stamped envelope, to:

BSA, Boy's Life Reading Contest,

S204, P.O. Box 152079,

Irving, TX 75015-2079

Entries must be postmarked by Dec. 31, 2000

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