Is Essential Closing
Three broomsticks, staves, PVC pipes, etc., large rubber band. A Cub Scout,
his parent, and the Cubmaster each hold one stick.
"Our pack program has three elements, each of which are essential for
its success. First, of course is the boy (Scout brings Stick forward). This
stick represents the fine boys in this pack, but it needs help to stand.
"This stick I am
holding is the second element (attaches his stick to first stick with rubber
band while speaking). This stick is the Scouting program and the wonderful
leaders who work so hard to keep the program going.
But, you see, the program still can't stand on its own.
"The third stick
represents parents of the boys in our pack (parent brings stick forward).
Parents are critical to making our Scouting program successful (CM attaches
third stick to others). Now, you see, this makes the program strong, so it
can stand on its own. Everyone working together is essential -- nobody can
leave the job to others."