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January Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 5

When I Grow Up
Webelos Fitness & Readyman
Tiger Big Ideas 9 & 10


PowWows around the U.S.


Southern Region


Tukabatchee Area Council will be holding their University of Scouting (formerly known as Pow-Wow) event on Saturday, January 20, 2001 at Trinity Presbyterian School, 1700 E. Trinity Blvd, Montgomery, Alabama.  University of Scouting 2000 Chancellor is Anne Parramore (334) 279-7544 (H) and the Vice-Chancellor is Karl Ward (334) 272-8976 (H), krward@earthlink.net.

Quapaw Council, Little Rock, Arkansas, PowWow is December 2 from 9-4 at JA Fair High School in Little Rock, AR

Great Smoky Mountain Council ,University of Scouting, Knoxville, TN, March 17, 2001, Contact person:  Linda Goff, doublelope@yahoo.com

The Occoneechee Council Pow Wow, Saturday, March 31, 2001, 8:00 a.m., Durham, NC

Central Region

Greater St. Louis Area Council's Pow Wow is going to be on December 2, 2000 at Hazelwood High School West.  http://www.stlbsa.org

The Four Lakes Council, Madison, Wisconsin has scheduled its All Scouter Pow Wow on 13 Jan 2001. It will be held at Madison Area Technical College, in Madison. Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Blue Water Council in Port Huron, Michigan is having their Pow Wow March 21, 2001.  The theme is "Man's Best Friend". For more info email Leslie Herman  bsa@advnet.net

Northeast   Region

Brooklyn Council of the Greater New York Councils Powwow.  Saturday, December 9th, Fort Hamilton Army Base.
Contact Donald Miserandino, 212 651 2856, 


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