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January Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 5

When I Grow Up
Webelos Fitness & Readyman
Tiger Big Ideas 9 & 10



The Cub Knot Story
Northwest Suburban Council


Rope I'm fit to be tied

Knot Cross arms in front and say What Knot

Cub Scout Where's the cookies

Den Meeting Paint; cut; glue

For those of you who can’t imagine that a Rope can come alive, this story may be hard to believe. Once there

was a four-foot piece of Rope who wanted to become a Cub Scout. The Rope knew that in Den Meetings,

Cub Scouts learned to tie Knots in Ropes. And he had always wanted to learn how to tie himself into a


So the Rope checked with a Cub Scout he knew to find out when the next Den Meeting was to be held.

He put on his best tie; hitched up his pants and headed for the meeting. The Rope could tell that he was at the right house, because several Cub Scouts were arriving to begin the Den Meeting. The Rope walked right in and said to the leader, "I want to be a Cub Scout and attend your Den Meetings."

But the den leader said, "I can Knot let a Rope be a Cub Scout!"

Well, the Rope was really upset. He ran out of the Den Meeting, Knot knowing what to do next. He ran out into the gravel road and was run over by a bread truck. The Rope was tumbled, rolled, crunched and, in general, pretty messed up. His ends were all unraveled and he had been twisted into a quadruple half hitch Knot! The Rope couldn't even remember who he was. But somehow, he remembered he wanted to be a Cub Scout and that a Den Meeting was going on that he should be attending. He stumbled to the front door and knocked. The Cub Scout den leader halted the Den Meeting to answer the door. When the den leader opened the door, there was the unraveled half hitched Rope. "I want to be a Cub Scout,” said the Rope.

The den leader looked at him and said, "Aren't you the Rope that was here a few minutes ago. The Rope looked right at the den leader and shouted, "I'm a frayed Knot!"


Audience Participation

Mt. Diablo Silverado Council


Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner: Honey, I'm home

Plumber: Get a mop, get a mop

Tools: Clank, clank, bang

Electrician: Bzzzt! How shocking

TV set: We'll be right back

One day, Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner came home from work to find their kitchen flooded with water. "Whatever shall we do?" asked Mrs. Homeowner. "We'll call a Plumber!" said Mr. Homeowner. "He'll know what to do."

Quick as a wink, the Plumber arrived with his bag of Tools. "Don't worry," said the Plumber, "this looks like a simple leak. I'll just get my Tools and have it fixed in a jiffy."  Then he crawled under the sink and began banging on the pipes. Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner covered their ears and left the room. But suddenly, all the lights in the house flickered - and then went out! "Oh no!" cried Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner. "Now we'll have to call the Electrician!"

Soon the Electrician arrived with his bag of Tools and began to check the wiring.  "Here's the problem," he said, as he stuffed his Tools back into their case. "There's something wrong with your TV Set." "The TV Set?!!?" said MR. Homeowner. "How much will it cost to fix?" "Oh, about a thousand dollars," said the Electrician, smiling broadly at the thought of all that money.

"A thousand dollars just to fix a TV Set? said Mrs. Homeowner. "We can't afford to pay that much? Mr. Homeowner thought about missing his favorite TV shows, then shook his head and slowly took out his checkbook.

Just then the Plumber came into the room and handed his bill to Mrs. Homeowner.  "Wait a minute dear," she said. "You might miss your favorite shows but I have to wash my hair tonight! You know we only have enough money to pay one of these bills, and you know what they say - TV or not TV, water's the question!



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