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Varsity Letter

Varsity Letters and Pins

Effective on January 1, 2018, the VARSITY SCOUT program was discontinued by BSA.

As a Varsity Scout or Scouter in a Varsity Scout Team, by participating actively in all phases of the Varsity program you are entitled to receive the official Varsity Letter, and wear it on the Scout jacket and/or the bottom front of the merit badge sash. Note that the letter may be earned and worn by Adult Varsity Scout Team members that meet the same requirements as youth members.

Two different sets of requirements for earning the Letter appear in the Varsity Scout Guidebook (34827A), in the text, on page 139, and in the Appendix, on a Varsity Scout Letter Scorecard on Page A-18.   We asked BSA which were the correct requirements.  Here's their response:

The Varsity Letter requirements are correct on page 139 of the Varsity Guidebook. The old requirements on the scorecard slipped by us, and will be corrected when we reprint. With these new requirements, we really consider the letter more of a participation award and not actually advancement.

So the requirements on the "Varsity Scout Letter Scorecard on page A-18 should be ignored.

The correct requirements are:

  1. Be a registered Varsity Scout team member.
  2. While a team member, actively participate in or accomplish at least one high-adventure/sports pin to the satisfaction of the Varsity Scout Coach.
  3. Have an attendance record at team meetings and activities of at least 75 percent for three consecutive months.
  4. Satisfy the Varsity Scout Coach that you know and live by the Scout Oath and Law.

After you complete each Varsity Sport season or high-adventure program, you are eligible to wear an activity pin attached to your letter that represents your completion of that activity. You may also wear a gold bar on the letter to represent each additional letter you have earned.

Currently, the following activities are recognized in the Varsity Sports and "Ultimate Adventure" Program, and have pins available:

Backpacking Freestyle Biking Soccer
Basketball Frontiersman Softball
Bowling Mechanics Survival
Canoe Camping Orienteering Swimming
Caving Rock Climbing
and Rappelling
Cross-Country Skiing Triathalon
Cycling Roller Hockey Volleyball
Discovering Adventure Shooting Sports Waterskiing
Fishing Snow Camping Whitewater Canoeing

There are no specific requirements for the various pins. Basically, a Scout must earn the LETTER, then complete the sport or "ultimate adventure" to get the pin.

Page updated on: December 20, 2017

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