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March 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 14, Issue 8
April 2008 Theme |
Theme: Abracadabra
Sportsman & Family Member
Tiger Cub Activities
Magical Symbols
Alice, Golden Empire Council
- (Wearing a Top Hat) This top hat reminds many people of a magician, especially when a rabbit comes out!
- (Showing off a Magic Wand) The Magic Wand is a very important tool for a magician.
- (Holding a rope) Many Magicians also use a rope in their tricks.
- (Showing off a deck of cards) Lots of magical tricks are done with a deck of cards.
- (Showing off a coin in his palm) And even though it’s even smaller, lots of tricks can be done with just a coin!
- (Holding up a scarf like that used in Magic Acts) Sometimes this scarf can be used in a magic act!
Narrator: The boys have shown you some magical symbols, including a Magician’s scarf. There is another symbol that has a special meaning for all of us – our Flag.
Sam Houston Area Council
Cast: 5 Cub Scouts
Equipment: 5 cards, each with one letter of the word MAGIC written on it, and the corresponding sentence written on the back in LARGE print. Perhaps an appropriate picture drawn on the front, too.
- M Magnificent Cub Scouts
- A Amaze friends and family with
- G Great and mystical
- I Illusions! You will be...
- C Captivated! Please stand and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Or, with the same 5 cards:
- M M is for the many hours we have practiced.
- A A is for our audience – that’s you!
- G G is for the great time we hope you’ll have tonight.
- I I is for the interesting tricks you will see.
- C C is for the Cub Scout program where you get to try new things
CM And that spells MAGIC. Magic is the theme for tonight’s pack meetingSHOW. So sit back, relax and prepare to be amazed!
Perhaps you can work out some transitional words that will let your Cubs use both sets of meanings!! CD
Sam Houston Area Council
The assigned den carries in the U.S. flag and posts it.
Boys take turns reading the following parts:
- It’s great to be an American, this fact is greatly known,
And the beauty of this land has a magic of its own.
- The magic of America does not come from a spell-
It comes from you and me who love her very well.
- The wave of a magic wand did not buy us liberty:
Great men and women died so we might all live free
- So let us now pledge to always do our part,
For the magic of America lies deep within our hearts.
- Please join us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
I grouped them so each boy reads a couplet (My High School English lessons are showing). You could split parts so more boys could participate. CD
I Promise
Capital Area Council
Personnel: 7 Cub Scouts
Equipment: A balloon for each with part of the promise on a note inside each one.
- (Pop balloon and read) “I, (name) promise”
- (Pop balloon and read) “To do my best:
- (Pop balloon and read) “To do my duty to God”
- (Pop balloon and read) “And my country”
- (Pop balloon and read) “To help other people and”
- (Pop balloon andread) “To obey the law of the pack:
- (Pop balloon and read) “The Cub Scout promise reminds us to be the best that we can be, to be proud to be an American.
Opening Ceremonies
Capital Area Council
- CM lights electric bulb-candle representing spirit.
- Talks about Cub Scout spirit.
- Audience stands, repeats Cub Scout
- Keep light burning during meeting).
- Tonight we are going to do for you
A magic trick that is really grand.
We’ll make for you a item proud,
The greatest in the land.
- In first we’ll put a heaping cup
of red for courage true.
He pours in a container of red paper
- And then we’ll add for loyalty
A dash of pure blue
He pours in a container of blue paper
- For purity, we’ll now sift in
a layer of snowy white.
He sifts in white paper
- We’ll sprinkle in a pinch of stars
To make it come out fight.
Sprinkle silver glitter
- We’ll stir and stir, And then you’ll see
That what we’ve made...Is OLD GLORY!
He pulls flag from kettle suddenly
- Our flag is the most beautiful in the world.
Let’s always be loyal to it.
CM: Everyone please stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Magic of America
Capital Area Council
A Cub Scout or Webelos Den Carries in the flag and posts it. Each boy takes a turn reading the following:
- It’s great to be an American, this is greatly known and the beauty of this land has a magic all its own.
- The magic of America does not come from a magic spell. It comes from you and me who love it so well.
- The wave of a magic wand did not buy us liberty. Great men and women died, so we might all live free.
- So let us all now pledge to always do our part, for the magic of America lies deep within our heart.
CM: Everyone please stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Cub Magic
Capital Area Council
Personnel: 8 Cub Scouts
Equipment: Eight Cards spelling C-U-B-M-A-G-IC.
Setting: Cubs stand in line holding cards to turn over before reading their part.
- C – is for comradeship, we learn to get along.
- U – is for unity, together we are strong.
- B – is for boys, wild and wooly but always polite.
- M – is for merits, which we always have in sight.
- A – is for adventure, what we’re always looking for.
- G – is for growth, to open every door.
- I – is for integrity, for all the world to see.
- C – is for Cub Scout, which we are all glad to be.
Magic Openings
Capital Area Council
- M – M is for Mess, which happens by Magic I guess
- A – is for Anxiety, The Den Leader’s heard of our notoriety
- G – is for Gem, that’s really what is our den
- I – is for Illusion, a good meeting’s conclusion
- C – is for Cub Scouts, do our best, no Doubts
Magic American Flag Opening Ceremony
Capital Area Council
Conceal an American flag inside a “magic” box.
Narrator.- Today, we’re going to start our pack meeting with a bit of magic! We’ll add some special things to this magic box and see what we get when we say the magic word “Abracadabra!” (Audience practices the word.)
OK. Now, everyone on the count of three, say “‘Abracadabra” 1, 2, 3 ...
Abracadabra! (Reaches in and pulls out the American flag,)
Wow! What a great piece of magic! Let’s say the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. (Two Cub Scouts hold the flag.)
Magic Opening
Capital Area Council
Hogwarts is where you learn about magic
Scouts is where we learn to do our best
While we play with tricks and make believe potions
Our lives are instilled with unbelievable good notions
We don’t need a wand or a spell...
to remember our duty to God and Country, to tell
So please, levitate yourself upright
And join us at this magical sight
{Color Guard enters with Colors}
Please join us in the Pledge of Allegiance.