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Baloo's Bugle

January 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 6
February 2008 Theme

Theme: Chinese New Year
Webelos: Scholar & Engineer
Tiger Cub
Requirement 4


WEBELOS -to- Boy Scouts Bridging Ceremony

Del-Mar-Va Council

I picked this up at Del-Mar-Va Council Pow Wow a few years ago and it has become my favorite bridging ceremony.  The bridge I made for this ceremony generally gets used several times each year as other Packs in my district borrow it for the ceremony.  CD


4 - 5 to 6 foot 4 X 4's (or 2X6’s) for foundation notched to interlock

5 - 4 foot 2x10's - one plain, one yellow, one blue, one green, one red

All words are spoken by same person (Narrator, Cubmaster) but you could divide them up amongst several leaders.

WEBELOS leader, will you please place the first post on the stage in a North/South direction.  (WL places post)

WEBELOS Asst. leader, please place the second post on the stage three feet away from the first post in the North/South direction. (WA places post)

These two posts placed here are symbolic of the foundations of Scouting that these WEBELOS leaders have instilled in their WEBELOS Scouts through activities and outings as represented by the natural brown color.

Scout Master (name) and Assistant Scout Master or Senior Patrol leader), please place your posts in an East/West direction 3 feet apart over the North/South posts that are already in place.  (SM and SPL place posts)

As represented by the structure assembly, Boy Scouting will build on the Scouting foundation begun in WEBELOS.  These leaders have set the stage for bridging the boys from Cub Scouting into Boy Scouting.

WEBELOS Scout  (name), will you and your parents please bring the unfinished plank forward and place it across the east/west posts.  (Scout places plank)

This unfinished plank represents the boys as they arrived in Cub Scouting, full of potential but unfinished.

WEBELOS Scout  (name), will you and your parents please bring the blue plank forward and place it snuggly against the unfinished plank.  (Scout places plank)

This Blue plank represents the Wolf and Bear years of Cub Scouting where with the help of their parents the Scouts became true blue and loyal friends.

WEBELOS Scout  (name), will you and your parents please bring the gold plank forward and place it snuggly next to the blue planks.  (Scout places plank)

This Gold plank represents their golden years in Cub Scouting as Webelos learning important skills through activity badges and culminating in the Arrow of Light.

WEBELOS Scout  (name), will you and your parents please bring the green plank forward and place it next to the gold plank.  (Scout places plank)

This green plank represents their new beginning as Boy Scouts, who will soon be green Tenderfoot scouts, anxious to begin the Boy Scout trial toward Eagle.

WEBELOS Scout  (name), will you and your parents please place the final plank onto the bridge.  (Scout places plank)

This last plank is red the predominant color in the Eagle Scout Badge and represents the fact that as they step off the bridge from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting they are beginning of their journey to becoming Eagle Scouts.

Webelos entering Troop (number), please assemble with your parents at the unfinished board of the now completed Bridge to Scouting?

As we present you with your Pack graduation Certificate, will each parent please remove your sons Webelos neckerchief and slide. 

Scoutmaster invites boys across the bridge, calling each by name and (performing whatever ceremonies are customary for your pack and troop)

After all have crossed - Pack (number) please stand and show your pride to the new Boy scouts from this Pack. (Cheer (Blast Off), Applause)...

We are very proud of you all.




Sam Houston Area Council



Scholars do their “BEST” in what they commit to do. Scholars - Believe it can happen, Expect success, Set their mind, and Try, try, try. These steps to do their best can be used at school and in everything that they do.


Ideas For Den Activities

  • Prepare a chart of the school system and explain and discuss with boys.

  • Have the boys create a word search.

  • Stretch the boys’ minds with brain teasers.

  • Make your own puzzle.

  • Play Scout Scattergories.

  • Invite the parents of Webelos to come to a den meeting dressed in the type of clothes they wore to school. Have them bring along such things as class pictures, yearbooks, report cards, etc. and allow each ample time to share his/ her school days with the den.

  • Take a tour of your local library.

  • Tour some specialized schools – like karate, flying school, scuba diving, etc.

  • Invite a teacher to come and talk to the den about being a good scholar.

Homework How To's


1.       Set a definite study time each school day. Your study period should have a start and an end time. If you finish before time is up, review. Take a break from school before you begin your homework. It’s O.K. to schedule one or more short breaks in your study period.

2.       Find a proper place for studying away from the TV, stereo, and other distractions. You need a place to write and adequate light.

3.       Be prepared before you start. Gather all materials needed to complete your assignments. (Pencils, sharpener, eraser, and paper for younger students. Older students may need a pen, ruler, dictionary, graph paper, calculator, and more.)

4.       Get organized. For starters, a notebook with dividers for different subjects and pockets for loose papers could make a big difference.

5.       Make a daily list of homework assignments - check it at the end of the school day - make sure you take all necessary materials home. If necessary show your teacher your assignment sheet before you leave for home to make sure you’ve got it all right.

6.       Work backwards to plan for long-range assignments. Record due dates on a special blank calendar...then write in what needs to be done each day/week to complete the assignment on time. Work backwards - if a short paper is due Monday - the last step is writing the final draft. Estimate when the first draft must be completed, including time for revisions and the final draft. Next estimate when to start writing the outline for the first draft. Last, when to start reading and note-taking.

7.       Start the most difficult assignment when you are most alert. Save easier tasks for off-peak times, and tackle more difficult assignments during your sharpest time. (Try using an easier assignment as a break from a more difficult one.)

8.       Get your feet wet...then plunge in! Start a big project at the easiest part, or schedule just a 10 or 15 minute work session for starters. Even getting together all the supplies you’ll need is a start.




Brain Teasers


1.       I walked up the street to the top of a hill and counted 50 windows on my right. I turned around and walked back and counted 50 windows on my left. How many windows did I count?
[Fifty; The windows on my right going up were the same as my left coming back]

2.       Papa duck, mama duck and baby duck went for a swim. Baby duck said, “Aren’t we four having a lot of fun?” Why did baby duck say four instead of three?
[Baby duck couldn’t count]

3.       Take the number of toes on both feet. Multiply by the number of pints in a quart. Add the number of months in half a year. Subtract the number of thumbs on two hands. Divide by a dozen oranges.    [2]

4.       Two cars start from Denver to drive to Colorado Springs, a distance of 80 miles. They are the same make of car, and both are being driven at the same speed. One of the cars makes the trip in 80 minutes while it takes the other car one hour and twenty minutes. Can you explain the reason?
[Eighty minutes = one hour and twenty minutes.]


Name The States Game

Give each boy a piece of paper and pencil and have them write down all 50 states. The first one that has all 50 yells STOP and other boys count up how many they have.


School Of The Future

Materials: You will need lots of old magazines, construction paper, scissors, glue markers and pencils.


Have the boys discuss what they think school will be like 25 years from now. Will the students all be at computers? Will they interact with their teachers from a TV hook-up at home? Will they travel to Mars for mathematics and Saturn for science? Will someone have invented a “smart pill” for each subject?

In the future, will we do away with some of the subjects that are taught now? Which ones? Can they imagine any new subjects that might be taught instead? Which ones? After the discussion, divide the boys into two or three project groups to make posters of their view of education in the future.


Inkwell And Quill Pen

Materials: baby food jar, cardboard circle the size of the jar top, self-drying clay, turkey feather, utility knife (for adults to use) ink



The baby food jar is our inkwell.

Cover the top with a circle of cardboard with a hole poked through the center for the pen point.

Cover the jar on the outside with the clay and let dry.

Decorate the inkwell and spray with acrylic to seal.

Quill Pen

A turkey feather will be our quill pen.

Trim off the rounded tip of the feather.

Split through the middle of the shaft for about half an inch, using the utility knife.

Cut away one side.

Sharpen the remaining part of the tip into a point.

Using It

Dip pen into ink, shake off excess ink carefully, write.

Do not press down too hard or point will get dull quickly or could break.

Point can be sharpened again with the utility knife.


The Educational System – Careers In Education

Materials needed:

Lots of old magazines, glue

Construction paper, scissors


Guidance Counselor                        Principal

Health Services                 College Professor

Sports Coach             Kindergarten Teacher

Elementary Teacher              Social Worker

High School Teacher                      Librarian

«  Have each boy choose one of the listed careers in education and think of what is involved in that career.

«  Using old magazines, have each boy make a collage of pictures that relate his ideas about the career.

«  You may be surprised at a Webelos Scout’s perception of these jobs.

«  When the collages are complete, discuss them and clarify any misconceptions.

«  Display the collages at the pack meeting.


Make A Graduation Mortarboard

Materials: poster board, yarn, glue, scissors, brass paper fasteners


  • Cut an 8”x 8” square out of the poster board (or bigger if you’d like a bigger hat)

  • Cut a rectangular strip out of the poster board that is 3 ¼” wide and 2 feet long

  • In this strip cut v shaped notches. The bottom of these notches should go half-way down on one side of the strip. Make these notches about every 4 inches along the strip. Fold the strip in half.

  • Form the notched strip into a circle (with the notched part facing in), adjust the circle to fit your head and then glue the ends into place.

  • Glue the hat band onto the mortar board – putting the glue on the upper notched side of the strip.

  • To make the tassel – Wrap the yarn around a 5” piece of cardboard about 8 times. Carefully remove the tassel from the cardboard and tie a small piece of yarn around the middle of the yarn. Tie a longer piece of yarn to one end of the yarn loops formed on one end of the cardboard. Cut the other looped ends of the yarn.

  • Attach the long piece of yarn to the mortarboard with the brass paper fastener in the middle of the board (might have to poke a small hole in the top first so that the fastener will go through the board).

Baltimore Area Council

The quality that a Webelos leader will find most helpful on this badge is the ability to listen to a boy and praise him for his school accomplishments. Advance planning is important to make this badge appealing to a 10 year old. You will need to find out who works at the school and how the education chain-of-command works in your locality. The school secretary can usually be very helpful. Also, the Board Education will be glad to furnish you information, PTA officers; will also be able to help you get information.

Try to find out some of these things:

·         What jobs are there at school for the boys to do?

·         What extra curricular activities are available?

·         For what community activities is the school used?

·         Who are the people on the office staff, cafeteria staff, and custodial staff? – What are their responsibilities?

·         What are some of the problems of the school and how can you help?



1.       Invite a teacher or principal to one of your den meetings. Not only will this provide you some expert help, but also it will give the boys a change to relate to this adult on an informal basis outside the classroom.

2.       Let the boys talk about what’s going on in school. Don’t try to change any of their ideas, but guide the discussion in such a way that they will see the value of an education.

3.       Prepare a chart of the school system and explain and discuss with the boys.

4.       Obtain some old school books for the boys to browse through – it will be interesting for them to see how fast education is moving forward.

5.       Discuss possible den service project for the school.

6.       Take a tour of the Board of Education.

7.       Exhibit: Chart of school system, old school books along side current books.


Demonstration:  Oral report on field trip. Explain chart of school system, oral report on responsibilities of employees of school.

NOTE: Most of the work on this badge will be done by the boy in school, but don’t let this deter you from planning interesting den meetings. You needn’t limit the meetings to discussion. You might take a trip to a high school or college to show the difference from elementary school. The service project will make the badge seem more real to the boys.

Here are some suggestions to help a Webelos leader increase the value and effectiveness of the boys’ education, which can be worked into the den program” •

  • By keeping physically fit, the boy is more likely to get the most out of school.  Emotional health is as important as physical health. Help him with his emotional development. Encourage him to talk about his problems and listen when he does. Pat him on the back when he does well.

  • Help each boy lead a balanced life – studies should be counter-balanced with recreational and social activities.

  • Help him make wise use of this time. Horace Mann wrote, “Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with 60 diamond minutes – no reward is offered for they are gone forever”.

  • A boy feels about school, to a certain extent, according to how he thinks adults feel about it. He’s looking to you for guidance.

  • Activities outside the classroom strengthen and extend the learning that goes on in school. His Webelos program is enhancing his education and you, as his leader, are an integral part of his growing up process.


1.       Take the number of pennies in a dollar. Multiply by the number of thirds in a circle. Divide by the number of inches in a foot of string. Subtract the number of nickels in a quarter – ANSWER: 20

2.       If three cats can catch three rats in three minutes, how many cats could catch one hundred rats in one hundred minutes – ANSWER: the same 3 cats

3.       A boy, driving some cows, was asked how many cows he had. He said, “when they are in line, there are two cows ahead of a cow, two cows behind a cow, and one cow in the middle” How many cows were there? ANSWER: 3

4.       Do they have a 4th of July in England? ANSWER: Yes

5.       Why can’t a man living in Winston Salem, North Carolina be buried west of the Mississippi? ANSWER: He must be dead first

6.       How many birthdays does the average man have? ANSWER: 1

7.       If you have only one match and you enter a room in where this is a kerosene lamp, an oil heater and a wood burning stove, which would you light first?  ANSWER: the match

8.       A man built a rectangular house – each side has a southern exposure – a big bear comes wandering by – what color is the bear? ANSWER: white




Equipment: dart board and darts. The dart board should have spaces with numbers through 12


  • Each boy, in turn, throws a dart at the dart board and scores a point if he can recite a point of the Scout Law represented by the number in which his dart sticks.

  • Score one point for each correct throw and identification.

  • Permit each boy to continue throwing until he misses, either in his throw or in his identification of the point of the Law.


  • Arrange the numbers 1 through 9 in a three by three box so that the totals for each column, row and diagonal are equal.

  • Each number may be used only once.

  • Can you calculate what each row, column and diagonal are going to equal before you solve the puzzle?

Now try to arrange the numbers 1 through 16 in a four by four box so that the totals for each row, column and diagonal are equal.




For laughs, ask your Scouts the following:

?         At what time was Adam born? (a little before Eve)

?         What is it that can’t run and can’t walk, has a tongue and can’t talk? (a wagon)

?         On which side is a pitcher handle? (the outside)

?         What is the best bet ever made? (the alphabet)

?         What increases in value when it’s turned upside down? (the number 6)

?         What is it that can’t talk but always tells you the truth? (a mirror)

?         What insect can be found in school? (a spelling bee)


1.       If you ever saw a cow jump over the moon, write V in spaces 2, 3, 28 and 19. If not, write L in these spaces.

2.       If X comes before H in the alphabet, write Z in space 16. If it comes after H, write W.

3.       If 31,467 is more than 12 dozen, write G in spaces 8 and 12.

4.       If you like candy better than mosquitoes, write an O in spaces 13 and 14. If not consult a psychiatrist at once!

5.       Closing one eye and without counting on your fingers, write the 5th letter of the alphabet in space 11.

6.       If Shakespeare wrote “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”, put an O in spaces 9 and 17. Otherwise put an I.

7.       If white and black are opposites, write V in space 10, if they are the same, write nothing.

8.       If 16 quarts makes one pint, draw an elephant in space 7, otherwise, write an S.

9.       If summer is warmer than winter, write the 3rd, 2nd and 4th letters of the alphabet in spaces 4, 6 and 15 respectively.

10.    If you can read this sentence, place the first and last vowel in spaces 1 and 5 respectively.

Now, read the message…it makes sense!

1. ______                8. ______            15. _______

2. ______                9. ______            16. _______

3. ______              10. ______           17. _______

4. ______              11. ______           18. _______

5. ______              12. ______           19. _______

6. ______              13. ______

7. ______              14. ______




Sam Houston Area Council


Engineers take the raw materials of nature and change them for the use of all of us. There are many kinds of engineers – from civil engineers to chemical engineers to mechanical and electrical engineers. Webelos Scouts may find a type of engineer that they want to be someday.

Ideas For Den Activities

  • Learn to use a level.

  • Make a pulley and use it correctly.

  • Visit a construction site and see the plans which are being followed .

  • Make catapults and demonstrate them at Pack meeting.

  • Make a home made flashlight.

  • Learn electricity safety.

  • Invite an architect to come and visit. Have the architect show and explain a floor plan of a house.

  • Discuss property lines. Have a surveyor show how property lines are determined and measured.

  • Discuss different types of engineers. If one can visit your den, let the engineer describe briefly what he does.

Hanging By A Thread

Upon completing this project, your den will have built a suspension bridge. The instruction seems long and complicated, but it isn’t really. Use illustrations as a guide.


Materials needed:

Heavy cardboard 2’ x 4’

Large ball of strong string

Duct tape (heavy tape)

Lightweight cardboard (6” x 5’)

4 bricks or wooden blocks




1.       Place the heavy cardboard on a firm surface. This is the base for the bridge.

2.       Place the 4 bricks on end on the cardboard base so that they form the corners of a rectangle 7” wide and 2’ long. These are the towers.

3.       Tape one end of the string to one 2’ edge of the cardboard in line with one of the bricks. This is the anchor. Drape the string over the top of the brick, straight across the space between the bricks, and over the opposite brick. Leave enough string so that it hangs down between the bricks about 3”. Tape the loose end of the string to the opposite side of the cardboard. This will form the other anchor. Cut the string. The length of string hanging between the bricks is called the cable.

4.       Do the same thing on the other side of the bridge, using the other two bricks. Make sure this string hangs down the same distance as the first cable. You now have two cables.

5.       Carefully slide the lightweight cardboard so it stretches the length of the bridge and lies between the bricks. This will be the platform or roadway.

6.       Cut seven 12” pieces of string. Tie one end of each piece of string every 4” along one of the cables. These are your suspenders.

7.       Slide each of the suspenders under the lightweight cardboard. Tie the free end of each of the suspenders to the other cable. The suspenders closest to the towers should be longer than those in the middle of the bridge.  In the middle of the bridge the platform should be suspended about 3" above the cardboard base.  Trim the excess string from the suspenders.

8.       Now that the platform is hung, gently bend the ends so that they touch the cardboard base.  Tape the ends to the base.  You now have a road that goes across the bridge.

You have created a suspension bridge. The suspenders take the weight of the platform up to the cables.  The cables then carry this weight to the towers and the anchors.  The weight of the platform pulls up on the anchors and downward on the towers.  The towers are strong rigid structures, like your bricks, so they can support weight.  The anchors need to be well secured to a firm object (usually land).  Suspension bridges use much less material than traditional bridges and can span large distances.

Craft Stick Truss Bridge

Purpose: To build a bridge spanning 12 inches that will hold 50 pounds.  The bridge is made only of craft sticks and glue.


114 Craft Sticks

2 or 3 heavy books


Glue (school or wood glue is best)

Rubber bands, small clamps

Saw or sandpaper



1.       1 Select 9 sticks. Break one in half.  Place 3 against the ruler.  Glue the sticks together forming a beam 3 sticks long and 3 sticks thick.  Follow the pattern in above figure.  Clamp or rubber band it together and allow to dry.  Repeat this step 3 more times so that you have created 4 beams.


2.       Select 6 of the sticks. Break one in half and lay 2 against a ruler. Glue the sticks together; forming a beam 3 sticks thick and 2 sticks long. Follow the pattern in above figure. Clamp or rubber band it together and allow it to dry. Repeat step 2 one more time to have 2 beams.


3.       Select 12 sticks and one long beam (from step 1) and one short beam (from step 2). Lay them on a table with the flat part of the beams down. Glue 6 sticks on top of the beams in a triangular pattern as in figure three. Then glue 6 more sticks on the underside in the same fashion. Press with books. Repeat step 3 once more so that you have 2 walls.


4.       Lay the 2 remaining long beams on a table. Glue 33 craft sticks onto them, forming the road. Press with books.

5.       Glue the 2 walls at right angles to the road. Hold the walls in place until the glue sets.


6.       Glue crossbeams on top of the walls. You will use a total of 9 sticks. Allow this to dry. Smear some extra glue on the joint between the wall and the road. This will reinforce the joint. Allow it to dry and you’re done!


Pea And Toothpick Building


Dried peas

Round toothpicks

Paper plates

Small bowl




*  Before the meeting, soak the dried peas in water for about 8 hours.

*  Give each Scout a plate for a building surface, a bowl of peas, and a box of toothpicks.

*  Using the toothpicks as connectors between the peas, the boys can construct buildings (or other ideas).

*  After the constructions are finished, allow them to set for at least a day until the peas have dried out and shrunk again.

*  This will make the joints super strong.

(Works with gumdrops, jelly beans and other such stuff, too.  CD)

Peanut Catapult

*  Divide the den into two teams.

*  Give each player three peanuts.

*  One at a time, the players try to catapult their peanuts into an empty milk carton, which is sitting on the floor.

*  They do this by holding one end of a ruler in one hand, holding the peanut against the other end of the ruler and bending it back, then releasing it so the peanut will sail towards the carton.

*  Score one point for each peanut that lands in the carton.

Make A Block And Tackle


*  To make a pulley, you need a spool and a coat hanger.

*  Cut off the hanger as shown and bend the ends at right angles through the spool. (Be careful with the cut ends of the wire!)

*  Then bend down the ends so they won’t spread.

*  Make sure the pulley turns easily.

Capital Area Council

Den Activities

«  Have an engineer or surveyor visit your den meeting.

«  Draw a sketch of a bridge to build.

«  Visit an office of civil engineers.

«  Obtain a blue print of a building and ask an engineer to discuss the plans. Then tour the building.

«  Visit a chemical production plant.

«  Visit a college engineering department.

«  Have an engineer visit your den and tell about his profession. He might be able to bring a set of blueprints, and explain the symbols used, and show how he uses blueprints.

«  Demonstrate the basic principle of leverage by using a teeter-totter or a plank with a fulcrum made of bricks or blocks. Show how this principle is the same one used in block and tackles using a single pulley as a block and tackle.

«  Visit (with permission) a housing project or a commercial building construction site, possibly in conjunction with a visit by an engineer as a guest speaker at your meeting.

«  Visit The Corps of Engineers office if you are near one.

«  Visit a bridge and take a tour.

«  Measure the dimensions of your meeting place and include the location of doors and windows. Show how to sketch a simple floor plan with these measurements.

«  Make catapults and have a contest. Demonstrate for the pack meeting.

«  Have a resource person demonstrate the use of drafting tools.

«  Visit a construction site with a contractor. Ask him to explain the use of blue prints and the order of construction.

«  Have someone explain how to read topographic maps.

«  Find pictures of different bridges and discuss the differences in their construction.

Block and Tackle Experiment

This simple apparatus shows how block and tackle increases power. You need two lengths of broomstick and a length of clothesline. Fasten one end of the line to one of the sticks. Wrap line loosely around both sticks as shown. Have two of your biggest den members grasp the sticks and try to keep them apart while the smallest den member pulls on the line. He should be able to pull the sticks together no matter how the others try to keep them apart.

Catapult Experiment

Use a ruler and an eraser or other soft projectile. Have a boy strike the short end of the ruler. How far did the projectile go? Now have him try it with half the ruler over the edge and hit it with the same force. Is there a difference in the distance? Why?

Measure The Property Line Where You Meet

Do this in small groups. Have someone write it down. Compare the results when all of the groups have finished. Discuss why the results were the same of different. Ask the Scouts why people have and measure property lines. Ask the Scouts if there is a way that they could measure the property line and be sure of the results and what might happen if the line were measured wrong.

Measure Your Meeting Room

Measure the dimensions of the room you meet in using a ruler, yardstick, and a tape measure in small groups. Compare results and discuss measuring experiences and problems. Equate their experiences with what an engineer might do as a part of his work.

Build a Dollhouse from a Kit

Obtain a simple doll house kit from a craft store. Have one Scout read the instructions and supervise the building (The Scouts' jobs might change as they find they are better at some skills than others), one assemble the tools and keep the materials straight, two build, etc. After the house is built, paint will need to be obtained (ask for donations), shingles attached, and of course the inside will need to be decorated.

The Scouts will work together and discuss each stage of the building. Try to stand by with assistance if needed and to record decisions made by the group.

They might wish to extend the activity by making furniture for the inside. Imagination is the only limit to the way the Scouts can make the furniture.

When the house is completed, what will you do with your house? Set it to a vote of the members of the den. (Citizenship Activity Badge). Possibilities are putting all of the boys' names in a hat for a drawing, or donating it to a sick child or a school (giving the den its year's service project).

Careers In (Fields of) Engineering

Aeronautical Engineering: Deals with the whole field of design, manufacture, maintenance, testing, and the use of aircraft both for civilian and military purposes.

Astronautical Engineering: Closely related to aeronautics, but is concerned with the flight of vehicles in space, beyond the earth's atmosphere, and includes the study and development of rocket engines, artificial satellites, and spacecraft for the exploration of outer space.

Chemical Engineering: Concerned with the design, construction, and management of factories in which the essential processes consist of chemical reactions.

Civil Engineering: Perhaps the broadest of the engineering fields; deals with the creation, improvement, and protection of the communal environment; providing facilities for living, industry, and transportation, including large buildings, roads, bridges, canals, railroad lines, airports, harbors, and other constructions.

Electrical Engineering/Computer Science: Divided broadly into the engineering of electrical power distribution systems, electrical machinery, and communication, information, and control systems.

Geological & Mining Engineering: Includes activities related to the discovery and exploration of mineral deposits and the financing, construction, development, operation, recovery, processing, purification, and marketing of crude minerals and mineral products.

Industrial or Management Engineering: Pertains to the efficient use of machinery, labor, and raw materials in industrial production.

Mechanical Engineering: Broadly speaking, covers the design and operation of all types of machinery and small structures.

Safety Engineering: Concerned with the prevention of accidents.

Sanitary Engineering: A branch of civil engineering that has acquired the importance of a specialized field due to its great importance for a healthy environment, especially in dense urban population areas.

Some Engineering Functions

ResearchA search for new scientific knowledge, with the objective of applying it to solving problems.

Development:  Applied research which results in working model.

Design:  Conversion of developed ideas into economical, reliable, and producible plans of manufacture, use, or construction.

Maintenance:  Plan and direct the methods of making the design and transforming it into a useful product.

Sales:  Define and explain the application of the product and the sale of it.

Management:  Administrate any or all of the engineers which perform the functions listed above and any other personnel required to perform the assigned task.

The Right Person for the Job!

Use a word from this list to fill in the correct answer.

Aeronautics                      Chemical                         Computer

City                                  Agricultural                         Electrical

Physical                            Industrial                      Mechanical


?         An engineer who designs plants to make water safe to drink.           

?         An engineer who designs machines in a factory

?         An engineer who tests new processes and checks old ones in a chemical plant.            

?         An engineer who plans new circuits and directs workers in an electrical plant.              

?         An engineer who designs and tests new space techniques  

?         An engineer who designs and test new techniques for new equipment for industry.     

?         An engineer who designs and tests equipment for farmers and ranchers.       

Bridges and Machines

Use words from this list to fill in the correct answer.

Catapult                              Pulleys                      Beam Bridge

Plank Bridge                  Truss Bridge                             Levers

Suspension Bridge                                       Block and Tackle

Pier Bridge                                                               Arch Bridge

?         A flat surface over two supports

?         A flat surface over three or more supports

?         A flat surface over an arched support

?         A flat surface with turned up edges

?         A bridge with sides made up of a series of triangles

?         A bridge that appears to hang from strong strung cables

?         A pulley(s) and a rope or cable

?         A slingshot or other device used to project something


Do-it Yourself Flashlight

This flashlight can be assembled easily and provide a fun project for the boys. And better yet, it actually works!


Flashlight battery


Plastic pill bottle with a flexible lid

Insulated wire

1.       Find a pill bottle large enough for the battery and bulb base to fit inside it. The wire should be the kind that can be bent easily.

2.       Scrape the insulation from one end of your wire and form it into a flat coil.

3.       Attach the coil to the bottom of the battery with adhesive tape.

4.       Cut an opening in the center of the pill bottle lid, so that the base of the bulb will fit.

5.       Push base of bulb through hole in lid.

6.       Scrape the other end of the wire and wind it around the base of the bulb. Secure in place with some tape.

7.       Crumple small pieces of paper. Place enough of this in the bottom of bottle so that when battery is inserted and the lid is tightly in place, the bottom of the bulb will just make contact with the raised center top of the battery.

8.       Hinge one side of the lid to the bottle with tape.

9.       When lid is closed, the bulb will light.

10.    To shut off your flashlight, flip the lid up.

This light creates a dim glow.   If you want a larger light, use two batteries in a larger container.


*  Ask a parent in your den or pack who is an engineer to come and talk about their career. How did they get interested? Where did they go to school, what kinds of courses did they take? Have they moved up through several jobs to get where they are? What is their future?

*  Visit the municipal offices of the city engineer or surveyor. Look at a map of your town and try to find your house. Look at some of the surveying equipment and learn some of the simple math calculations.

*  Tour the city water works, sanitary facility or recycling center. Ask about the current workload, and the kinds of daily activities that go on. How do they handle emergencies?

*  Visit an operating draw bridge, grain elevator, ship or train loading operation, or other large industrial operation involving large cranes or other lifting equipment.

*  Visit a jeweler and look at various gems under the microscope. How does the pattern affect the way a jewel is cut?

*  Invite someone from an Orienteering Club to bring some topographical maps to your meeting. Learn how to read a map, picking out landmarks.

*  Ask Webelos to look through books and magazines at home and bring in pictures of bridges. Note the differences in construction.

*  Ask your local Boy Scout troop give a demonstration of some of the skills needed for the Pioneering Merit Badge. One particular item of interest would be to see a rope monkey bridge being lashed together.

*  It's fun to water the grass! Gather a variety of watering devices and demonstrate them during the den meeting. Analyze how the water is distributed and what patterns are made. If a family has an underground sprinkling system, look at the layout of the heads and the connections needed to cover the whole yard.

Den Floor Plan

Invite the high school drafting teacher to your meeting. Learn to use T-squares, triangles, straight edges, and other equipment needed to accurately draw a floor plan. Measure the dimensions of your den meeting place. Make a simple floor plan sketch, including location of doors and windows.

Survey Maps

The U.S. Department of the Interior publishes geological surveys of the whole county. Quadrangle maps can be purchased at some sporting goods stores.

Look at a map which includes your town and try to find your house. What is the exact longitude and latitude of your home? Find your meeting place, nearby lakes, and other points of interest.


Materials needed

7/16" machine bolt about I 1/2" long, a nut to fit,

20 gauge stem wire,



·         Thread nut onto the bolt a short way in from the end.

·         Twist the stem wire around both ends of the bolt to form the slide loop.

·         Use pliers to tighten the twists and cut off excess.

Pack Meeting

Conduct a demonstration of the strength in different types of bridges.


How Does Your Den Measure Up?

Line the Webelos up in the following manner and then take measurements.

Use a 50-foot tape measure.

This would be fun to do as teams, too.

See how they measure up -

1.       Shoulder to shoulder.

2.       One foot in a line, heel to toe with the next boy.

3.       Arms out full length to sides, fingertips touching.

4.       All boys lying down in a line, head to feet.

5.       Palms only, one boy beside the other.

6.       Add up the circumference of all heads.

7.       Add up the hand to elbow distance of all boys.

Word Lightning

Divide the den into two teams.

The leader announces the category such as bridges, electric currents, engineer jobs.

Each team must say one word in that category, then the other team says a different word.

Continue back and forth until one team is stumped


Electric Current

*  Players form a circle holding hands while the "electrician" is out of the room.

*  One player is designated to be the sender. He starts the current going around the circle by squeezing either the left or right band of the next boy.

*  The "electrician” returns and stands in the middle of the circle.

*  He says, "Time to turn on the electric!”

*  He then tries to locate the current being passed.

*  If he can spot a squeeze, that person trades places with him.

*  Repeat.

Topographical map Relay

Line up in two teams for this relay.

The leader stands at a table with a "topo" map.

Teams take turns.

One player at a time comes forward and the leader points to a symbol to identify or asks a question.

If the boy is correct, be runs back and tags the next person.

If be is not correct, the other team begins its turn.


Materials needed

Objects of various sizes, weights or lengths.


*  Often times people describe objects by large measures - feet, miles, tons, etc.

*  Try your hand at describing these smaller objects which are used or seen every day. (Examples: a piece of rope, a Kleenex box, a can of food with weight covered, five pound bag of flour, a belt, the leaders weight, a long board or pole)

*  This can be a team effort or done alone.

*  Have boys write down their estimates.

*  Measure or weigh to find who is the closest.

Raining Marshmallows  (or popcorn)

Take homemade catapults to the pack meeting. Demonstrate how they work by shooting marshmallows into the audience.


Have several sizes of boxes arranged on the floor. As each Webelos comes forward to receive his badge, he picks up one and builds on another one. Boxes can be decorated with Scout logos or names of the Pack leadership.



Catapult Arm

Four popsicle sticks

Plastic spoon tied on with wire and

tape (twist wire for rubber band stop)

One rubber band


Wooden slat 1 x 2

10" long


Eight popsicle sticks

Two 2 1/4" nails

Six 3/8" wood screws



Assemble in accordance with picture


Make Your Own Single Pulleys



Thread spools


Screw in Hook

Toy bucket full of heavy objects


2.       Bend about 8 inches of wire into a triangle shape and push the ends into a thread spool.

3.       Find a suitable place to hang your pulley. A book in the shed or garage or the hook at the end of a plant hanger will do.

4.       Tie one end of the string to the handle of the load.

5.       Wind the string over the thread spool.


?         Is it easier to lift the load with the pulley?

?         How much string do you have to use to lift the load 1 foot?


Try a double pulley


1.       Make two wire triangles. Use about 1 foot 2 inches of wire for each one.

2.       Attach two spools to each triangle.

3.       Thread the string around the pulleys as shown in the diagram. Use about 6 ½ feet of string.

4.       Attach the heavy load to the pulley as before.


?         Is it easier to lift the load with the double pulley?

?         How much string do you need to  raise the load 1 foot?

How It works

*  The pulley with one thread spool allows you to lift a heavy load directly underneath the pulley.

*  The double pulley means you have to pull only a ¼ as hard, but you have to pull for 4 times as long.

Bridge Building



Ever since man found roads that would let him travel from one place to another easier and faster, he has been faced with the problem of crossing streams, rivers, gullies and canyons. So he invented bridges — structures to leap from these obstructions and make the way smoother. At first, he used two basic geometric forms to build these structures — the arch and the triangle — and built his bridges of stone and wood. Today, highway and railroad bridges that we see crossing interstate highways, rivers and canyons, are made from steel plates, wire cable, angles, I—beams, H— beams, and concrete.


The design of a bridge and the type of construction depend upon the kind and width of the obstruction, the load it is expected to carry, the kind of ground or rock found at the site and the cost. Don’t just draw bridges, build them! A drawing cannot demonstrate the structural strengths and weaknesses of the various bridge types.


To build the bridges, use construction paper or poster board strips. Use building blocks, bricks or whatever for supports. Use toothpicks and thread for suspension bridge. Using toys cars, pile them on the bridge until they collapse. The boys love to try to bring about the demise of a bridge and are astonished at the strength of the truss and suspension bridges.

Fountain in a Jar


2 Jars one with screw type lid

Modeling clay

Large nail and hammer

2 plastic drinking straws







*  With the help of an adult, use the nail and hammer to punch two holes in the lid of the jar the size of the straws.

*  Push the end of one of the straws about 1/2 inch through one of the holes and the other straw about 2 inches through the other hole.

*  Cut the second straw so that about 4 inches sticks above the lid.

*  Use the clay to seal the openings around the straws.

*  Now fill the jar about half full of water and screw the lid in place.

*  Fill the other jar with water and place it near the edge of the sink.

*  Quickly turn the jar with water and place it near the edge of the sink.

*  Quickly turn the jar with the lid upside down and lower the shorter straw into the water in the other jar.

*  You will see a fountain of water appear in the upper jar.

The fountain occurred because the water flowing from the  longer straw reduced the air pressure inside the closed jar. The higher air pressure on the water in the open jar pushed the water up the short straw and created the fountain.


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