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Baloo's Bugle

January 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 6
February 2008 Theme

Theme: Chinese New Year
Webelos: Scholar & Engineer
Tiger Cub
Requirement 4


Note on Word Searches, Word Games, Mazes and such – In order to make these items fit in the two column format of Baloo’s Bugle they are shrunk to a width of about 3 inches.  Your Cubs probably need bigger pictures.  You can get these by copying and pasting the picture from the Word version or clipping the picture in the Adobe (.pdf) version and then enlarging to page width.  CD


Chinese Horoscope Animals

Alice, Golden Empire Council




Find these words in the word search – they can be going in any direction:

Pig                                          Ram                                         Rat

Ox                                        Dragon                              Monkey

Snake                                  Rooster                                    Tiger

Horse                                      Dog                                    Rabbit


Make a Tangram

Alice, Golden Empire Council

A Tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle. This activity is sometimes called “seven pieces of cleverness,” named for the seven pieces that were used. The object of the puzzle is to rearrange the pieces of a square (the puzzle pieces) to form figures (like a picture of a cat) using the tangram pieces.

File folders, cardstock or thick paper work well to make tangrams. 

Start by making a square, then cut into pieces as shown.

Now see if you can make the bird, cat, dancer, top – how about a rat, since 2008 is the Year of the Rat? 


What else can you make using all seven pieces?

(This is a great Gathering Activity – give each boy a set of tangram pieces in an envelope-


You can create your own using unique shapes -

Choose any letter and print it block form on cardboard square (See Block Puzzles on page 5-25 of the How To Book)

Then  cut it into 7 pieces,

Then challenge the boys to discover the letter –

The letter can be the boy's initial or something chosen to introduce the theme – Alice)


Alice, Golden Empire Council

Bring out a package of Origami paper and let everyone try their hand at it.  The paper is usually easily available in packages – but you can make your own. 

If you use wrapping paper or colored copy paper, cut out perfect squares – 6” or 8” is a good size to use. 

Have the cubs and parents make an Origami Rat (actually a Mouse), in honor of the Year of the Rat.

Get directions for the mouse at

Try other places listed under Web Sites for more ideas!!

Under Pack and Den Activities there is a link to a video on how to make a bird.



Chinese New Year Word Find

Utah National Parks Council


Find these words in the word search – they can be going horizontal, vertical, forward, backwards, diagonal - that is in any direction:

firecrackers                           kites                                  origami

noodles                                 drum                             happiness

chopstick                                ox                                   Chinese

New Year                            dragon                                      tiger

red envelope                      lanterns                                 wealth

snake                                   stir fry                                       dog

gung                                        hey                                           fat

choy                                    banner                                       fish

nian                                   good luck                          longevity

boar                                       horse                                          rat

ram                                      rooster                                   rabbit

monkey                               zodiac                                  twelve

Ancient Chinese Proverbs Activity

Brenda, Last Frontier Council

I wasn't sure of this should be a Gathering Activity (where Brenda had it) or a Pack & Den Activity.  Decided to put it here, I figure you give each boy a slip with a phrase on it as he arrives and tell him to figure our what it means.  Hopefully, they will talk and decide amongst themselves.  Then you call for answers after the Opening.  CD

Discuss the meaning of proverbs with your den. Call upon a few of the boys to give their explanation of the following proverbs:

Fishes see the worm, not the hook.

Biggest profits mean bravest risks.

In the little boy see the final man.

Don’t laugh at age. Pray to reach it, too.

If you cannot hook trout, try digging clams.

You don’t want anyone to know it? Then don’t do it.

A bad word whispered will echo a hundred miles.

If you need more, check out the Confucius Quotations
under Thoughtful Stuff


Paper Chinese Yo-Yo

Brenda, Last Frontier Council

This really works!


1/8" or 1/4" Dowel

Roll of wrapping paper

Tape or Glue


Cut a strip of wrapping paper 7' long by 4" wide.

Glue or tape one end of the strip to the dowel at the end.

Roll the paper tightly around the dowel.

How to play:

Hold the dowel and flick your wrist in an upward motion. Paper will yo-yo out and back in.

Go Fly a Kite

Utah National Parks Council

What kind of paper makes the best kites?

Follow the directions below. Then unscramble the

leftover letters to find the answer.

1st.         Cross out the M’s and Q’s.

2nd.      Cross out the vowels in Column 4.

3rd.       Cross out the letters in Row b that come before H in the alphabet.

4th.        Cross out the consonants in Row e.

5th.        Cross out the I’s and U’s.

Answer: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __!                                 flypaper


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