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Baloo's Bugle


February 2005 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 7
March 2005 Theme

Theme: Invention Convention
Webelos: Engineer & Athlete
  Tiger Cub:



“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.”

Thomas A. Edison US inventor (1847 – 1931)

From - Pack 326, Los Alamos, NM


“Easy reading is hard writing”

Nathaniel Hawthorne, American Author – “The Scarlet Letter,” 1804-1864

From Dr. Benson

Prayer for Cub Scouting’s Birthday

February Theme Prayer

Cub Scout Roundtable Leaders’ Guide

We give thanks for our packs, past and present, today on the 75th anniversary of Cub Scouting.  May all Cub Scouts everywhere be blessed.  May all boys and men who have been Cub Scouts in the past, wherever they are now, be blessed.  May they always remember their Cub Scout Promise and do their best, as we are trying to do.  May all those parents, leaders and other adults who are members of our packs and troops and help us to be worthy Scouts not only of our pack or troop but, also, of the World Brotherhood of Scouting, be blessed.  AMEN

(Sorry, I forgot this last month.  CD)

For Our Creative Minds

March Theme Prayer

Cub Scout Roundtable Leaders’ Guide

We give thanks for our families, our blessings, our Scouts and their creative minds.  Help us to encourage their creativity and individuality. AMEN


Great Salt Lake Council

If you think you are beaten, you are;

If you think you dare not, you don’t;

If you like to win and you don’t think you can;

It’s almost a cinch you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost;

For out in the world we find

Success begins with a fellow’s will;

It’s all in the state of mind.

For many a race is lost

Ere even a step is run

And many a coward fails,

Ere even his work is begun.

Think big and your deeds will grow,

Think small and you’ll fall behind;

Think that you can and you will-

It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you’re outclassed, you are;

You’ve got to think high and rise,

You’ve got to be sure of yourself before;

You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go

To the stronger and faster man;

But sooner or later their hearts desire ;

Cause you’re a man who knows he can.

So take those boys by the hand,

Show them you are a man.

Lead them wherever their hearts desire,

Cause you're a man, who knows he can.

And when they have grown,

The way that they should;

They will remember that man

Who was there to help,

When they needed it most

And know you’re a man that can.

Because Of My Son
 Author unknown

Voyageur Area Council

Because of my son – I found a job to do.
I became a Scouter, tried and true.

I understand boys better – because of my son.
It happened through Scouting – Gee, what fun.

Because of my son – I can be worthwhile.
Oh what a reward, to see a boy’s smile!

‘Tis endless, the pleasures gained from Scouting.
Because of my son – I attend each meeting and outing!

Because of my son – I’ve gained friends beyond measure.
‘Tis indeed blessed to hold, such a wonderful treasure!

Hours that were idle are now filled to the brim,
Because of my son – I enjoy life with him!

Because of my son – I’ve a new way of life.
I recommend Scouting for each husband and wife!

Don’t spend your spare time, doing nothing at all.
Because of my son – heed the Scouting call!


Great Salt Lake Council

A Rabbi (Priest, Pastor, Minister, …) Cubmaster and a Wolf leader who was a soap maker at Lever Bros. were walking along and the soap maker questioned the Rabbi by asking, "What good is religion? There's been religion for a long time, but people are still bad to each other."

The Rabbi was silent until they saw a Webelos Cub Scout, who was dirty from changing a tire for his Handyman Activity Badge with his den. The Rabbi asked the soap maker, "What good is soap? We've had soap for many, many years and yet people are still dirty."

The soap maker protested the comparison and insisted that the soap had to be used in order to keep people clean.

"Exactly my point." said the Rabbi. "Religion," he said, "has to be applied in order to do anybody any good."

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