Let's Go
Den Activity
Circle Ten

Use spring type clothespins. Paint them. Wings are made
from construction paper, cut into symmetrical shapes. Slip wings into
clothespins jaws and glue. Straight pins with colored round heads can be used
for antennae. Bumblebee uses a 1 ˝” Styrofoam ball or ping-pong ball cut in
half and glued to top of clothespin. Pom poms can be used for eyes, paper
clips can be used for legs, etc. OPTIONAL: Glue ˝” magnetic strip to back of
clothespin and make into a refrigerator magnet for mom for Mother’s Day.
Tiger Games
Circle Ten
A tag game in which “it” is the scorpion and walks on his
hands and one foot. “It” has to keep the other foot in the air. This is the
stinger and “it” tries to tag the other players with his stinger.
Make 2 lines on the ground about 10 feet a part; the two
opponents stand back to back between the lines. Both bend forward, reach
between their legs and grasp each other’s wrists, they then start pulling each
other towards their line.
Go See It Outing
Go on a short guided hike at a local nature center.
Design and conduct a nature scavenger hunt. Show samples
of the 3 - 5 items on the list
Visit your local water treatment plant. What makes the
water safe to drink?
Visit a planetarium. Learn about those stars in the sky.
Discuss the aerospace program and how close we are to living up there.
Go fishing. Release your fish when you are done.
If possible, visit a trash to energy plant.
Let's Go Outdoors
Circle Ten Council
Energy Savers Game
Enlarge and copy game onto white cardstock. Let boys
color and play with their family. This game is for two players. Cut out the
playing pieces. Then roll a dice to determine number of moves.
(Click on the game picture. Then copy it to another
document. Then enlarge it to fill the page)