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Baloo's Bugle


February 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 7
March 2004 Theme

Theme: Walk in My Shoes
Webelos: Engineer & Athlete
  Tiger Cub: Achievement #7




International Activity Patch

Circle Ten Council

Walk In My Shoes may, also, be applied to learning about another culture and how they do things.  If you go that way then this patch may be just what you are looking for to inspire your Scouts. Please note that requirements are set by local councils and vary from council to council.  When we had Canada for a theme a few years ago, I was unsuccessful in having my council tell me what we had to do.  I now know who our Council’s International representative is and will be seeking him out to define requirements for this award.  Commissioner Dave



The International Activity Patch (No. 1440 is a 3-inch embroidered emblem worn as a temporary patch centered on the right pocket of the uniform shirt. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venture Scouts and Scouters who participate in an international activity or program defined by local council can earn it.

Units have the opportunity to develop activities that meet requirements for the International Activity Patch! Council through a Unit’s District Executive must approve these activities in advance or there could be some disappointed Scouts.

Each local Council has the authority to determine requirements for the patch. There is no time restriction for earning the International activity patch.

Here are some examples of the criteria, which can be established for this patch:

General Requirements for Cub Scouts:

An international activity is an activity where boys learn about at least one other country in depth; including its customs, songs, games, and costumes. The activity should meet requirements for achievements and electives in the Cub Scout books. Also, the activity should help foster the "World Brotherhood" attitude of Scouting in both boys and leaders.

In a Pack:

An International activity that provides an in depth experience of one country.  (E.g. Customs, flag, food, costumes music, games, etc.)

An International activity that provides an opportunity of learning about several countries in detail.

A Blue and Gold Banquet that centers on an International theme and uses ideas from one or more foreign countries. Ceremonies and other activities of event should have a flavor of "World Brotherhood".

A Scout-o-Rama booth where an International theme is developed. This booth could be centered on one country or several countries and should include flags and costumes. Games from other countries work well in this event.

In a Den or Family:

A four-week International activity that develops an experience of one country. For example: first week they learn about the flag and songs, second week they prepare food, third week they do a craft activity, and fourth week they play games.

A four week International activity that develops an experience where boys learn about several countries. Each week the boys could learn about a different country.


An individual may earn the patch if he/she participates in any scout meeting that is held in another country.

A family may earn the patch if they host Scouts or Scouters from another country in their home. At least one overnight stay would be necessary




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