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Baloo's Bugle


February 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 7
March 2004 Theme

Theme: Walk in My Shoes
Webelos: Engineer & Athlete
  Tiger Cub: Achievement #7




Twelve New Things

Sam Houston Area Council

Arrangements: Have the large cardboard badges with stands for each. Start with all laying flat and .set each one up in turn. Alternate: Print and tape these to the back of the appropriate cards. Have a Cub of the appropriate rank bring a card up to the front of the audience, read the paragraph and then stand there until all cards have been read.

TIGER:          My adult partner and I are having fun learning about the world around Cub Scouts and us. We enjoy the motto Search, Discover and Share. I am a Tiger.

(Present Tiger Awards)

BOBCAT:     1 have learned five new things. I can give the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack. I know what Webelos means. 1 promise to do my best. I am a Bobcat.

(Present Bobcat Awards)

WOLF:          I have learned twelve new things. I grew physically and spiritually. I developed habits and attitudes of good citizenship. As I grew in mind and body, 1 also grew within my family. 1 learned to get along with others and gained a sense of personal achievement. It is fun being helpful and doing your best. I am a Wolf.

(Present Wolf Awards)

BEAR:           I too have learned twelve new things. They required more skill and effort, but were fun and interesting. Many of the things I learned were preparing me to be a Boy Scout. The elective started giving me ideas about hobbies I might want to pursue in life. I am a Bear.

(Present Bear Awards)

WEBELOS: I am learning and understanding the requirements to become a Boy Scout. The Scout Oath and the Scout Law, and the parts of the Scout badge. I am learning about the outdoors through activities and the outdoor code. I have earned three activity pins. I am a Webelos.

(Present Webelos Awards)


Sam Houston Area Council

Personnel: Cubmaster, leader or guest who knows sign language.

Equipment: Display (felt hoard, poster, chalk board or overhead projector) of sign alphabet. Display in full view of audience. Signor is standing next to display for audience reference as Cubmaster speaks. Signor close captions)

CUBMASTER: "Speaking" is a form of communication most of us take for granted. If you can hear me speaking, then you probably have not had much reason to learn sign language. It is something very special to be able to speak, but make no sound, communicate with eyes and hands rather than voices and ears. It is indeed a talent, not just a trick for fun. For those who cannot hear; it is a way of life. In front of you is the sign language alphabet. Let's see if we can recognize our Scouts for their past month's achievements and learn a little of the silent language known as "Sign."

The first recipient comes, forward and is greeted by the Cubmaster. His award is announced vocally and then by Sign. Each award is presented in the same fashion.

CUBMASTER: 1 hope you have all learned just a little of the silent world of sign language. Maybe next time you see your fellow Scouts at a distance, you can talk to them without yelling or maybe next time you see two people speaking "Sign" you will understand a little better that special talent both share.


Cracker Jack

Circle Ten Council

Show the boys a box of cracker jacks.  Inside you will find a prize. Draw each of the boys’ awards from the box. Let the parents Present the awards to their sons. After all the awards have been handed out say the following to the boys.

The label says that the prize is inside. I really think that the prize is on the outside. Why? You receive the prize in life when you go outside of your own box or comfort zone.

Sometimes going out of your way for others is the only way to really help others and feel accomplished in what you do.

This month we have learned how to help others and be aware of others differences. I hope that we will always think of others and how they would feel about the things we say or the actions we do. So thinking "This is the way we have always have done it" doesn't cut it any more. As Scouts, parents, and a community we can change the intolerance in the world today.

Acting Parts In Life

Circle Ten Council

CUBMASTER:  Tonight we would like to congratulate boys in the pack on the advancements they have made over the last month. Would the following boys ___________please come forward with their parents to be presented with their award. After presenting the boys with their advancement say the following:

Our lives are made up of many different acts or parts. As young boys, you act the part of a Webelos, or a Cub. In school you act the part of a student. At home you act the part of a son. Whatever part you act, do what is right and do your best so you too someday may be a good parent and a good citizen just like all the adults around you today. Continue to advance and learn as you enjoy your Scouting program.



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