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Baloo's Bugle


January 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 6
February 2004 Theme

Webelos Engineer & Scholar
  Tiger Cub Achivement #



Here Is Our Piñata

Santa Clara County Council

Tune: Sing a Song of Sixpence

Here is our piñata

What a sight to see,

Filled with treats and goodies

Just for you and me.

When it's time to break it,

We'll circle all around

Then we'll scramble for the treats

That fall down to the ground.

Traditional Mexican Piñata song with translation

Santa Clara County Council

Para Quebrar La Piñata                             To Break the Piñata

Dale, dale, dale,                                Strike it, strike it, strike it,

No pieddas el tino                    Don’t lose your steady hand,

Mide la distancia,                                 Measure the distance,

Que hay en el camino.                                That’s in the path.

Blue And Gold

Circle Ten Council

Tune: Clementine

Each group sings the line with their name in it

We're the Cub Scouts (boys)

We're the Scouters (adults)

Here we are both young and old (all)

Altogether we're a Cub Pack

Having fun at Blue and Gold.

Tigers and Bobcats (Tigers and Bobcats)

Wolf and Bear Cubs (Wolves and Bears)

And the WEBELOS are we. (WEBELOS)

Altogether we're a Cub Pack

Having fun in harmony.

We're the mothers (moms)

We're the fathers (dads)

Helping Cub Scouts as they go. (adults)

Up the ladder of achievement,

Climbing higher as they grow.

Let's give thanks (everyone)

On this occasion

To the mighty Gold and Blue;

Pack ____ is the number

Representing me and you.


Circle Ten Council

Tune: Are you Sleeping?

Mexico, Mexico,

Fiesta time is here

Bringing us all the fun .

Laughter for everyone.

Here we come, Here we come

A Smile

Circle Ten Council

And they go it from –

Nashua Valley/Pioneer Valley Pow Wow 1996

Tune: Auld Lang Syne

A smile is quite a funny thing,

It wrinkles up your face,

And when it's gone you'll never find

It's secret hiding place.

But far more wonderful it is

To se what a smile can do;

You smile at one, he smiles at you,

And so one smile makes two.

He smiles at someone since you smiled

And then that one smiles back,

And that one smiles, until in truth

You failed in keeping track.

And since a smile can do great good

By cheering hearts of care,

Let's smile and smile and not forget

That smiles go everywhere.






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