Why I’m A Leader
Hudson Valley Council
I’m not a Cub Scout Leader for the easy hours,
high pay,
parents’ gratitude, power or prestige.
I’m a leader because I want the world for your
son and mine,
I want it to be a world he can shape and help
shape; a world of love and laughter, where he can show compassion.
I want him to be able to look at the stars, a
sunrise, a sunset, the work and world of man -- and feel their beauty inside
I want to help him to learn to finish anything he
starts and do it well.
I want to guide him to know his worth with a
deeper understanding of himself.
I want to help shape men who have strength of
character and are sensitive to the needs of others.
I want them to be the best they can be.
I’m giving of myself and my time. I reap rewards
far beyond what I give.
I receive for my children and future generations
a better world.
I am a Cub Scout Leader because I care.
Scouting Thanks
Cub Scout Roundtable Leaders’
Para la
vida y la comida, ofrecemos gracias
Pronunciation help - (PAR-uh lah VEE-uh ee lah co-MEE-dah,
oh-fray-CAY-mohs GRAH-see-us)
For our
lives, our food, and our friends here tonight, for all scouts everywhere, for
all our blessings, we give thanks. Amen.
Great Communication
Think about these while
reading this month’s Training Hint. Commissioner Dave
The art of conversation consists
as much in listening politely, as in talking agreeably. Atwell
There are four ways, and only
four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and
classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and
how we say it. Dale Carnegie
The art of communication is the
language of leadership. James Humes
Communication is a two-way
street. And while we revel in the reality that we can always get through to
heaven, our concern should be whether our Lord can always get through to us.
Joseph Stowell
I am only one ..
From Edward Everett Hale:
"I am only
one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can
do. " The key to accomplishment is believing that what you can do will make a
Graces for Blue & Gold or
other occasions
From Baloo’s Archives
0 God, Who givest all things
We pray Thee now to bless our food. Amen
For these Thy gifts we thank
Thee, 0 God,
And we pray that all our deeds may praise Thee,
not merely what we say. Amen.
For these and all the things we
hold dear, and mostly for Thy loving care, we thank Thee, Lord. Amen.
God is great and God is good,
and we thank Him for this food. By His hand we all are fed.
Grant us, Lord, our daily bread. Amen.
We thank Thee for the morning
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends. Amen.
Since this is Blue and
Gold Month, I thought I would rerun the graces from the Scout High Adventure
bases. I am sure you could adapt any of these to work great at your Blue and
Gold (or use it as it is) – CD
Philmont Grace
For Food, For Raiment,
For Life, For Opportunity,
For Friendship and Fellowship.
We Thank thee O Lord Amen
Sea Base Blessing
Bless the creatures of the Sea
Bless this person I call me
Bless the Keys you make so grand
Bless the sun that warms the
Bless the fellow-ship we feel
As we gather for this meal.
Northern Tier Wilderness
Base Grace
For food, For Raiment
For Life and Opportunity
For Sun and Rain
For water and portage trails
For friendship and fellowship
We thank thee, oh lord Amen