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Baloo's Bugle


January 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 6
February 2004 Theme

Webelos Engineer & Scholar
  Tiger Cub Achivement #



Fiesta Welcome

Circle Ten Council

Setting: 7 cubs hold large colored cardboard cutouts of balloons, which have the letters, WELCOME on side facing the audience and words in large print on the other side.

Cub # 1.              W - Welcome to each and every one.

Cub # 2.              E - We're going to have lots of fun.

Cub # 3.              L - Let's now officially open our meeting.

Cub # 4.              C - We give to you a friendly greeting.

Cub # 5.              O - Our displays today you will enjoy.

Cub # 6.              M - There's something here for every adult and boy.

Cub # 7.  E - Now we ask that everyone stand as we sing a song about our land.

Cub # 8.              Call audience to attention and lead the Pledge of Allegiance

Cub # 9.              Lead audience in singing "America the Beautiful."

Opening Ceremony About Mexico

Great Salt Lake Council

Cub # 1.        F is for Fiestas. Parties held in every hamlet and city usually to honor the patron saint. They decorate, hold dances, street vendors hawk their wares, and they watch bull fights.

Cub # 2.        I is for Independence.  Declared on Sept. 16, 1821 ending 300 years of Spanish rule. This is one of the holidays.

Cub # 3.        E is for Expansion. It caused the Mexican War. Texas and California wanted to be part of the United States. The U.S. declared war, and, eventually, the newly acquired territory included California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Texas, Colorado, and Wyoming.

Cub # 4.        S is for Spain's Cortez.  He arrived in 1400 A.D. which began 3 centuries of Spanish rule. The native population went from 25 million people to 6 million due mostly to European diseases, like small pox, cholera, flu, and diphtheria.

Cub # 5.        T is for Tacos and Tostados.  Mexican foods we like. Or Texas located on Mexico’s northern border. Or Teotihuacan, a huge city occupied in about 200 B.C. It had the Pyramid of the Sun, the largest pyramid in the world in it.

Cub # 6.        A is for the Aztec, Toltec, and Mayan cultures.  People who occupied the land in the past. Or Adobe, a mud brick that many house are built with.


Santa Clara County Council

You’ll need 6 cards with one letter on the front and the appropriate words printed on the back.

Cub # 1.              F      Fun is in the air.

Cub # 2.              I       It’s too exciting to sit in a chair.

Cub # 3.              E      Eagerly we are led.

Cub # 4.              S     Sombrero—it’s on my head.

Cub # 5.              T     Tacos, tostadas, let’s not wait.

Cub # 6.              A     All are good—let’s celebrate!


Circle Ten Council

Setting - Four Cubs each wearing a colorful Mexican clothing and sombreros if desired.

Narrator: Fiesta, a time for family, fun, food and traditions. A time for parades and parties and fireworks. Tonight our Pack presents its own Fiesta.

Cub # 1.              Fiesta can come at any time.

Cub # 2.              Fiesta is a time for family traditions and sharing your love for each other.

Cub # 3.              Fiesta is a time for homemade dishes. piñatas and good music.

Cub # 4.              Fiesta is another word for having fun.

Narrator:Tonight as we meet in the spirit of fun, we also want to remember our respect for each other and the flag, which represents us all. Will you please stand and day the "Pledge of Allegiance" with us.

Historical Presentation

Great Salt Lake Council

Here is a presentation on facts about Mexico. GSLC had this in their book as an opening.  I would put the words on the back of cards in LARGE TYPE and add pictures drawn or pasted by the Cubs related to the words on the front (audience side).  This could, also, work as a skit or demo to parents about what the Cubs have looked at this month. CD

Cub # 1.        Mexico's government is a republic with elected president and congress much like the US. They have a Senate and chamber of deputies. There are 29 States.

Cub # 2.        Their money is called the Peso

Cub # 3.        It is 1/5 the size of the U.S. The States of California, Arizona, New Mexico, & Texas are on the 1,549 mile border and the Rio Grande river flows along 2/3 of it.

Cub # 4.        They have the greatest variety of plants of any country in the world. (There are over 500 kinds of cactus.) There are also 350 kinds of birds. They export most of the chicle that makes gum that the world uses. (Chicle comes from the Sapodilla tree.)

Cub # 5.        They have two seasons, rainy and dry, rainy is from May to October.

Cub # 6.        Their language is Spanish. We use many of their words: chili con carne, desperado, lasso, patio, rodeo, taco, canyon, and stampede.

Cub # 7.        Mexico has freedom of religion, as the U.S. does, but 90% of Mexicans are Roman Catholic.

What Does It Mean, The Flag

Great Salt Lake Council

This is obviously our flag not the Mexican flag

Cub # 1.        What do they mean, the stripes of red?

Cub # 2.        Courage and freedom for those who fled.

Cub # 3.        What do they mean, the stars of white?

Cub # 4.        Each for a State, altogether with might.

Cub # 5.        What does it mean the field of blue?

Cub # 6.        Ancestors who came and were willing to do. Courage to work and to dare ...and to die,

Cub # 7.        Faith like the stars that light the sky, Honor and vision towering high.

Cub # 8.        That's what it means, THE FLAG WE FLY.



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