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Baloo's Bugle


January 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 6
February 2004 Theme

Webelos Engineer & Scholar
  Tiger Cub Achivement #



Fiesta Match Game

Great Salt Lake Council

Match the Spanish words to their English translation

  1. Naranja                  A. White
  2. Verde                      B. Wash
  3. Azul                        C. Ten
  4. Negro                     D. Orange
  5. Blanco                    E. Seven
  6. Rogo                      F. Yellow
  7. Nombre                  G. Blue
  8. Amarillo                 H. Yes
  9. Agua                      I. Green
  10. Hola                        J. Where
  11. Donde                    K. Name
  12. Si                             L. Hello
  13. Siete                       M. Red
  14. Diezi                       N. Water
  15. Lavar                      O. Black

Answers: 1D, 2I, 3G, 4M, 50, 6A, 7K, 8F, 9N, 10L, 11J, 12H, 13E, 14C, 15B

Who It Is

Circle Ten Council

Give everyone a 3x5 card. Have them all write down 4 things about themselves that no one else in the room should know. Have them put their name on the top of the card for future reference. Collect the cards. Then pass out a piece of paper to each person. Read the cards one at a time and have everyone write down who they think the person on the card is. Then read off the correct results (the names from the top of the cards) while they check their lists. The person who gets the most right is the winner.

Ole What Does It Mean

Circle Ten Council

Interpreting some simple Spanish words can also be a good activity. Make a list of some simple Spanish words and have guests list the meanings of the words.

Pass The Sombrero

Another game idea is to use a sombrero at each table (or have the Roundtable staff in sombreros as people arrive or pass out sombreros to a few people as they sign in), each time a person talking with the sombrero wearer says the word "Fiesta" they have to wear the sombrero.  They keep it until someone else says the word. Then that person wears the sombrero.




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