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Rank Requirements
Requirements were REVISED effective
as an option on August 1, 2022, and became
required on January 1, 2023.
New text is in bold GREEN underlined Serif
text like this sentence.
Deleted portions are struck through RED italic text like this
To see the requirements, without the changes highlighted,
Click here.
For the previous requirements,
Click here.
In 2022, Requirement 5d was added to the requirements
listed on and Scoutbook, as well as in the Scouts BSA Handbooks.
However, it did not appear in the 2023 Scouts BSA Requirements book. It
was added to the 2024 Scouts BSA Requirements book.
- Present yourself to your leader prepared for an overnight camping
trip. Show the personal and camping gear you will use. Show the
right way to pack and carry it.
- Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Sleep
in a tent you have helped pitch.
- Tell how you practiced
Explain how you demonstrated the Outdoor
Code and Leave No Trace on a campout or
The requirements for Cooking merit badge include the
following note immediately before requirements 4, 5, & 6.
Note: The meals prepared for Cooking merit badge requirements
4, 5, and 6 will count only toward fulfilling those
and will not count toward rank advancement or other
merit badges. Meals prepared for rank advancement or
other merit badges
may not count toward the Cooking merit badge. You must
not repeat any menus for meals actually prepared or
cooked in requirements 4, 5, and 6.
Therefore, The meals prepared for Tenderfoot rank requirement
2 may not count toward Cooking merit badge, requirements
4, 5, or 6.
Meals prepared for Cooking merit badge requirements 4, 5,
and 6 may not count toward Tenderfoot rank requirement 2.
- On the campout, assist in preparing one of the meals. Tell
why it is important for each patrol member to share in meal
preparation and cleanup.
- While on a campout, demonstrate the appropriate method of
safely cleaning items used to prepare, serve, and eat a meal.
- Explain the importance of eating together as a patrol.
- Demonstrate a practical use of the square knot.
- Demonstrate a practical use of two half-hitches.
- Demonstrate a practical use of the taut line hitch.
- Demonstrate proper care, sharpening, and use of the knife,
saw, and ax. Describe when each should be used.
- Show first aid for the following:
- Simple cuts and scrapes
- Blisters on the hand and foot
- Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or
first degree)
- Bites or stings of insects or ticks
- Venomous snakebite
- Nosebleed
- Frostbite and sunburn
- Choking
- Describe common poisonous or hazardous plants, identify
any that grow in your local area or campsite location. Tell
how to treat for exposure to them.
- Tell what you can do on a campout or other outdoor activity
to prevent or reduce the occurrence of injuries or exposure
listed in Tenderfoot requirements 4a and 4b.
- Assemble a personal first-aid kit to carry with you on future
campouts and hikes. Tell how each item in the kit would be used.
- Explain the importance of the buddy system as it relates
to your personal safety on outings and in
your neighborhood where you live.
Use the buddy system while on a troop or patrol outing.
- Explain what to do if you become lost on a hike or campout.
- Explain the rules of safe and responsible
hiking, both on the highway and cross-country, during the day
and at night.
- Explain why it is important to hike on
trails or other durable surfaces, and give examples of durable
surfaces you saw on your outing.
- Record your best in the following tests:
• |
Pushups |
________ |
(Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds) |
• |
Situps or curl-ups |
________ |
(Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds) |
• |
Back-saver sit-and-reach |
________ |
(Record the distance stretched) |
• |
1 mile walk/run |
________ |
(Record the time) |
- Develop and describe a plan for improvement in each of the
activities listed in Tenderfoot requirement 6a. Keep track of
your activity for at least 30 days.
- Show improvement (of any degree) in each activity listed
in Tenderfoot requirement 6a after practicing for 30 days.
• |
Pushups |
________ |
(Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds) |
• |
Situps or curl-ups |
________ |
(Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds) |
• |
Back-saver sit-and-reach |
________ |
(Record the distance stretched) |
• |
1 mile walk/run |
________ |
(Record the time) |
- Demonstrate how to display, raise, lower, and fold the U.S.
- Participate in a total of one hour of service in one or
service projects approved by your Scoutmaster. Explain how
your service to others relates to the Scout slogan and Scout
- Describe the steps in Scouting's Teaching EDGE method.
Use the Teaching EDGE method to teach another person how to tie
the square knot.
- Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath
and Scout Law. Tell how you have done your duty to God and how you
have lived four different points of the Scout Law in your everyday
- While working toward Tenderfoot rank, and after completing Scout
rank requirement 7, participate in a Scoutmaster conference.
- Successfully complete your board of review for the Tenderfoot
The requirements for the Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class,
and First Class ranks may be worked on simultaneously; however, these ranks
must be earned in sequence.
Alternative Requirements
for the Tenderfoot rank are available for Scouts with physical or mental
disabilities if they meet the criteria listed in the Boy Scout
Requirements book.
Source: SCOUTS BSA REQUIREMENTS 2022 (SKU 656269) and
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Page updated on:
December 04, 2023