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Historic Trails Patch

Historic Trails Award

This page represents the requirements prior to January 1, 2019
For the current requirements click here.

Love of America and devotion to our country depend upon a thorough appreciation of the ideals, principles, and traditions that have made our country strong. Historic Trails Award requirements emphasize cooperation between historic societies and Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing, and Sea Scout units. Scouts should establish a close relationship with a local society as soon as possible when planning a historic activity - most communities have such societies.

Reports from many units indicate that these societies have been eager to offer their cooperation by

  • Suggesting trails or sites that are suitable for unit historic activities and exploration
  • Providing Scouts with historic information about the trails or sites
  • Offering guidance to units during restoration and marking projects
  • Financing the cost of materials used by Scouts for restoration and marking projects
  • Staging historic pageants and ceremonies with Scout participation
  • Directing public attention to unit historic activities through newspapers, television, and radio

Trips outside council boundaries, trips of 500 miles or more, or trips that include aquatics, climbing/rappelling, or shooting sports components require a tour and activity plan to be submitted to the council. You can find more information here:

The Historic Trails Award is available as a Cloth or Leather Patch or a Decal. It is NOT worn on the Uniform, but may be attached to equipment, jackets, backpacks, patch vests or blankets, etc.

To earn this award, members of your unit must plan and participate in a historic activity. A unit historic activity requires members to:

  1. Locate a historic trail or site and study information relating to it. (The information may be obtained from an adult historic society, public library, or people living near the trail or site. To obtain a trail listing, contact the Outdoor Programs/Properties Department at 972-580-7889.)
  2. Hike or camp two days and one night along the trail or in the vicinity of the site. Options include an area hotel or the home of other Scouts.
  3. Cooperate with an adult group such as a historic society to restore and mark all or part of this trail or site. (This may be done during the hike or overnight camp.) Or cooperate with such a group to plan and stage a historic pageant, ceremony, or other public event related to this trail or site—such an event should be large enough to merit coverage by the local press.

Your unit leader must then file the Historic Trails Award application with your local council service center.

(Note: Only chartered units may apply for this award. This award does not apply if any other BSA award is available for this trip.)

Source: 430-066 - 2015 Printing

Page updated on: February 23, 2019

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