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50 Miler Patch

50 Miler Award

Requirements were REVISED effective July 10, 2020

To see the changes which were made, Click here.

To see the previous requirements, Click here.

The primary objective of this program is to stimulate members of Scouts BSA, Sea Scout, and Venturer interest in the ideals of the movement and to promote activity that will result in personal fitness, self-reliance, knowledge of wood lore, water trek, and/or outdoor experience.

Chartered unit participation is most desirable; however, provisional groups are eligible. This award does not apply if any other is available for a trip.

The 50 Miler Award is available as a Cloth or Leather Patch or a Decal. 
It is NOT worn on the Uniform, but may be attached to equipment, jackets, backpacks, patch vests or blankets, etc.

The patch shown at the top of the page is the current version.  The old version, still in widespread use is shown below

Old 50 Miler Patch

Award Requirements:

The Scouts BSA, Sea Scout, or Venturing unit or provisional group must follow these rules for a 50-Miler trip:

  • Select a suitable trail or waterway.
  • Two-deep leadership must be in effect at all times.
    Adult leadership should utilize and follow the Guide to Safe Scouting.
  • Groups shall complete the 50 miles / 5 day trip by sailboat, canoe, on foot, by horse, or by bicycle.

The 50-Miler Award is presented to each qualifying individual for satisfactory participation in an approved trip. In order to qualify for the award the group of which the individual is a member must fulfill all of the following requirements.

  1. Make complete and satisfactory plans for the trip, including the possibilities of advancement, conservation, leadership, and service.
  2. Cover the route of not less than 50 consecutive miles; take a minimum of 5 consecutive days to complete the trip without the aid of motors for the qualification of the 50-mile distance. For example, in the case of water treks and the use of motors, qualification distances exclude maneuvering in or out of slips or ports, safety/weather transverses, managing tidal currents, and accessing the open water. (In some areas pack animals may be used.)
    Note: Qualification for the 50-mile distance does not have to be continuous, provided the primary purpose objective is met.
  3. During the time on the trail or waterway, complete a minimum of 10 hours each of group work on projects to improve the trail, springs, campsite, portage or area. If after checking with recognized authorities, it is not possible to complete 10 hours each of group work on the trail, a similar project may be done in the unit's home area ( There should be no unauthorized cutting of brush or timber.)
  4. Unit or tour leader must then file the 50-Miler Award application with the local council service center.

Source: 50 Miler Award Application (430-067WB - 2020 Printing)

Page updated on: May 08, 2022

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