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Bear Elective Adventures
Requirements were REVISED effective
December, 2016.
New text is in bold GREEN underlined Serif text like this
Deleted portions are struck through RED italic text like this
To see the requirements, without the changes highlighted,
Click here.
For the previous requirements,
Click here.
Note: BSA originally published changes to Cub Scout advancement requirements
in late November, 2016, in the form of an on-line document listing the original
and proposed requirements. The revised requirements were later published
in addendum booklets to be inserted in the Cub Scout Handbooks for each
level until they can be revised and republished. The wording, shown below,
in the addendum booklets is similar to, but does not exactly match the wording
in the original proposal. The differences are noted below.
There are 13 Elective Adventures in the Bear program:
- Grin and Bear It
- A Bear Goes Fishing
- Bear Picnic Basket
- Beat of the Drum
- Critter Care
- Forensics
- Make It Move
- Marble Madness
- Roaring Laughter
- Robotics
- Salmon Run
- Super Science
- A World of Sound
Complete at least four of the following.
- Play a challenge game or initiative game with the members
of your den. Take part in a reflection after the game.
- Working with the members of your den, organize a Cub Scout
carnival and lead it at a special event.
- Help younger Cub Scouts take part in one of the events at
the Cub Scout carnival.
- After the Cub Scout carnival, discuss with the members of
your den and your den leader what went well, what could be done
better, and how everyone worked together to make the event a
- With your den, develop a thank-you cheer to recognize those
who helped organize the Cub Scout carnival.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete at least three of the following.
- Discover and learn about three types of fish in your area.
Draw a color picture of each fish, record what each one likes
to eat, and describe what sort of habitat each
one likes.
- Learn about your local fishing regulations with your den
leader or a parent or guardian. List three of the regulations
you learn about and one reason each regulation exists.
- Learn about fishing equipment, and make a simple fishing
pole. Practice casting at a target 30 feet
away. Teach what you have learned to someone in your family,
another Scout, or one of your friends.
- Go on a fishing adventure, and spend a minimum of one hour
trying to catch a fish. Put into practice the things you have
learned about fish and fishing equipment.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete at least three of the following.
- Create your own Bear cookbook using at least five recipes
you might cook or prepare either on your own or with some adult
help. Include at least one recipe each for breakfast, lunch,
dinner, and a nutritious snack.
- With a family member or den leader, prepare for cooking
by explaining the importance of planning, tool selection, sanitation,
and cooking safety.
- Select and prepare two nutritious snacks for yourself, your
family, or your den.
- With the help of an adult, select a recipe to prepare in
a kitchen for your den or your family. Help to select the needed
ingredients, perhaps from a garden, grocery store, or farmers’
market. Cook and serve your planned meal. Clean up after the
preparation and cooking.
- With the help of an adult, select a recipe to prepare in
the outdoors for your family or den. Help to select the needed
ingredients, perhaps from a garden, grocery store, or farmers’
market. Cook and serve your planned meal. Clean up after the
preparation and cooking.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete requirement 1 and
plus two others from requirements 2-4.
- Learn about the history and culture of American Indians
or other indigenous people who lived in your area long ago.
- Create a legend by building a diorama, writing a story,
or presenting a skit.
- Complete one of the following:
- Make a dream catcher.
- Make a craft similar to one made by American Indians
or indigenous people.
- Make a drum. Once your drum is complete, create a ceremonial
- Complete one of the following:
- Visit an Order of the Arrow dance ceremony.
- Visit an American Indian event or an event presented
by other indigenous people.
- Learn and demonstrate ceremonial dance steps.
- Create a ceremonial dance.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete all of the following.
- Complete Do
one of the following:
- If you have a pet, make a list of tasks that you did
to take care of a
the pet for two weeks.
- If you do not have a pet, research one that you would
like to have and prepare a report about the care it needs.
- Complete one of the following and share
with your den, pack, or family:
- Make a poster or a PowerPoint
presentation about your pet or
a pet that you would like to own.
Share your the
poster or presentation with your den, pack, or family.
- Make a poster or PowerPoint presentation
explaining three ways that animals can help people.
Share the poster or presentation with
your den, pack, or family
- Complete at least one of the following and share with your
den, pack, or family:
- Visit with a local veterinarian or an animal shelter
caretaker. Find out what types of animals he or she might
see on a regular basis and the types of care he or she gives
to them.
- Learn about careers that involve the care of animals.
What education, training, and experience are required?
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete all of the following.
- Talk with your family or den about forensics and how it
is used to help solve crimes.
- Take your fingerprints and learn how to analyze them.
- Complete one of the following:
- Learn about chromatography and how it is used in solving
crimes. Do an investigation using different types of black,
felt-tip markers. Share your results with your den.
- Do an analysis of four different substances: salt, sugar,
baking soda, and cornstarch.
- Complete one of the following:
- Visit the sheriff's office or police station in your
town. Find out how officers collect evidence.*
[Note that this may be during the same
visit as "Paws for Action"]
- Learn about the different jobs available in forensic
science. Choose two, and find out what is required to work
in those jobs. Share what you learned
learn with your den.
- Learn how animals are used to gather important evidence.
Talk about your findings with your den.
* Note that this may be done during the same
visit as "Paws for Action" requirement 3A.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete all of the following.
- Create an “exploding” craft stick reaction.
- Make two simple pulleys, and use them to move objects.
- Make a lever by creating a seesaw using a spool and a wooden
paint stirrer. Explore the way it balances by placing different
objects on each end.
- Complete one of the following:
- Draw a Rube Goldberg–type machine. Include at least
six steps to complete your action.
- Construct a real Rube Goldberg–type machine to complete
a task assigned by your den leader. Use at least two simple
machines and include at least four steps.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete requirements 1-4. Requirement 5 is optional.
- Discuss with your family or den the history of marbles,
such as where and when the game began. Talk about the different
sizes of marbles and what they are made of and used for.
- Learn about three different marble games, and learn to play
one of them. Learn how to keep score. Learn and follow the rules
of the game. Play the game with your family, friends, or your
- Learn four or five words that are used when talking about
marbles. Tell what each of the words means and how it relates
to playing marbles. Share this information with your den.
- Complete one of the following:
- With your den or family, make a marble obstacle course
or marble golf course. Share what you create. Invite everyone
to go through your course.
- Create your own game using marbles, and design rules
for playing the game. Share the game you created with your
den, family, or friends. Explain the rules and how to play
the game.
- With your den or family, create a marble race track.
Have at least two lanes so you can race your favorite marbles
against each other.
- Make a marble maze.
- With the help of an adult, make a marble bag to hold marbles.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete at least four of the following.
- Think about what makes you laugh. Write down three things
that make you laugh.
- Practice reading tongue twisters.
- Create your own short story. Remove some nouns, verbs, adjectives,
and adverbs from the story, leaving blanks. Without telling
the story, have a friend insert his or her own nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs in the story you created.
- With a partner, play a game that makes you laugh.
- Share at least two jokes with members of your den to make
them laugh.
- Practice at least two run-ons with your den, and perform
them at a pack meeting or campfire program.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete at least four of the following
- Identify six tasks performed by robots.
- Learn about some instances where a robot could be used in
place of a human for work. Research one robot that does this
type of work, and present what you learn to your den.
- Build a robot hand. Show how it works like a human hand
and how it is different from a human hand.
- Build your own robot.
- Visit a place that uses robots.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete requirements 1-4 and
plus two others.
- Explain the importance of response personnel or lifeguards
in a swimming area. Tell how the buddy system works and why
it is important.
- Visit a local pool or swimming area with your den or family.
Go swimming or take a swimming lesson.
- Explain the safety rules that you need to follow before
participating in boating.
- Identify the safety equipment needed when going boating.
- Demonstrate correct rowing or paddling form. Explain how
rowing and canoeing are good exercise.
- Show how to do both a reach rescue and a throw rescue.
- Demonstrate the front crawl swim stroke to your den or family.
- Name the three swimming ability groups for the Boy Scouts
of America.
- Earn the BSA beginner swim classification.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete at least four of the following and
explain what you learned.
- Make static electricity by rubbing a balloon or a plastic
or rubber comb against another material, such as a fleece blanket
or wool sweater. Explain what you learned.
- Conduct one other static electricity investigation. Explain
what you learned.
- Do a sink-or-float investigation. Explain what you learned.
- Do a color-morphing investigation. Explain what you learned.
- Do a color-layering investigation. Explain what you learned.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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Complete all of the following
- Make an mbira.
- Make a sistrum.
- Make a rain stick.
Workbook for use with these requirements:
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DOCX Format
Sources: Cub Scout Bear Handbook (#33451 - SKU 620136)
Cub Scout Bear Requirement Modifications (Addendum booklet #220-099 - SKU 639157)
Page updated on:
September 12, 2022