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Totin' Chip Wallet Card) Totin' Chip Patch

Totin' Chip

This page represents the requirements prior to January 1, 2019
For the current requirements click here.

The Official BSA Totin' Chip is the Wallet Card shown above (No. 34234B) and/or a Patch  (No. 08597).

The Totin' Chip Patch is considered a "Temporary Patch" and, if worn,
should be worn centered on the RIGHT Pocket of the Boy Scout Uniform Shirt.
It should NOT be sewn on a pocket flap

The wording below appears in Boy Scout Requirements (33216).  The introductory text in the book reads as follows:

This certification grants a Scout the right to carry and use woods tools. The Scout must show his Scout leader, or someone designated by his leader, that he understands his responsibility to do the following:

  1. Read and understand woods tools use and safety rules from the Boy Scout Handbook.
  2. Demonstrate proper handling, care, and use of the pocket knife, ax, and saw.
  3. Use the knife, ax, and saw as tools, not playthings.
  4. Respect all safety rules to protect others.
  5. Respect property. Cut living and dead trees only with permission and with good reason.
  6. Subscribe to the Outdoor Code.

The Scout's "Totin' Rights" can be taken from him if he fails in his responsibility.

The wording on the back of the Totin' Chip Card shown above, is slightly different, but the requirements are the same (except the introduction and the last part of number 3):

My Responsibility

I will take this card to my Scout leader or someone designated by my leader and do the following:

  1. Read and understand woods tools use and safety rules from the Boy Scout Handbook.
  2. Demonstrate proper handling, care, and use of the pocket knife, ax, and saw.
  3. Use the knife, ax, and saw as tools, not playthings. Use them only when you are willing to give them your full attention.
  4. Respect all safety rules to protect others.
  5. Respect property. Cut living and dead trees only with permission and with good reason.
  6. Subscribe to the Outdoor Code.

The older versions of the Totin' Chip card (No. 4234, 34234 and 34234A), shown below, are also in wide use and are still valid.

Old version of Totin' Chip Wallet Card (4234) Old version of Totin' Chip Wallet Card (34234) Old version of Totin' Chip Wallet Card (34234A)

NOTE: As far as we know, the patch shown below is NOT issued by the Boy Scouts of America. Check with your local BSA Council to see if it is authorized for wear on a Scout's Uniform, and if so, where to place it.  It can be obtained from some private patch manufacturing companies and from some local BSA Councils.  BSA now issues the patch shown at the top of this page.

Unofficial Totin' Chip Patch

Page updated on: February 23, 2019

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