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Denali Medal

Denali Award

Effective on January 1, 2018, the VARSITY SCOUT program was discontinued by BSA.

These requirements became effective on January 1, 2015.
To see the requirements with the changes highlighted, Click here
To see the previous requirements, Click here.

Named after America’s highest peak, the Denali Award is available only to a Varsity Scout team’s youth members. The requirements for the award are as follows:

  1. Be a registered Varsity Scout team member.
  2. Earn the Varsity Scout letter.
  3. Advance one rank toward Eagle, or earn one Eagle Palm if already an Eagle Scout.
  4. Serve in a Varsity Scout team leadership position, or a combination of positions, for at least six months.
    1. While serving as the team captain, or a program manager, act as the primary leader on at least two activities. Program managers should choose activities in their field of emphasis. Team captains may be the primary leader of activities in any of the five fields of emphasis.
    2. While serving as a program manager or the team captain, demonstrate shared leadership by serving in a supporting role in three of the remaining fields of emphasis not used to satisfy requirement 4a.
  5. Demonstrate that you possess Scout Spirit by understanding and living by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Tell how you have done your duty to God and how you have lived each of the twelve points of the Scout Law in your everyday life.
  6. Complete a board of review as outlined in the Guide to Advancement.

A Denali certificate is also available.  However, Varsity Coaches should request the certificate through their District Executive, as it is NOT available on the internet or through Supply, but only through the BSA intranet.

Page updated on: December 20, 2017

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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