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Pinewood Derby Songs and Yells

Part of the fun of a big event like the Pinewood Derby is showing spirit through participation. Most Cub Scouts have a few intense minutes in the limelight of competition, but spend most of their time spectating and rooting for their fellow Scouts. The entire experience can be enriched with a little audience participation in songs, stunts, or Den yells. Here are a few to get started.

Pinewood Derby Song

(To the tune: De Camptown Races)

Cub Scouts all join in the song,
Do-da, do-dah!
Pine car track am mighty long,
Oh, do-day-day!


Going to run so fast,
Going to get ahead,
Bet my money on a blue pine car,
Somebody bet on the red.

Black cars, blue cars, green and gray,
Do-da, do-da!
Are running on the track today,
Oh, do-da-day!


Going to run so fast,
Going to get ahead,
Bet my money on a blue pine car,
Somebody bet on the red.

Pine cars do have lots of class,
Do-da, Do-dah!
Even though they don't use gas,
Oh, do-da-day!


Going to run so fast,
Going to get ahead,
Bet my money on a blue pine car,
Somebody bet on the red.

They're the pride of all the Dens,
Do-da, do-da!
Built by Cub Scouts and their friends,
Oh, do-da-day!


Going to run so fast,
Going to get ahead,
Bet my money on a blue pine car,
Somebody bet on the red.

Den Yells

Do three times, starting out softly, and ending up really loud.

We're from Den ____
Couldn't be prouder.
If you can't hear us,
We'll yell a little louder.

Do once, LOUD!

United we stand.
Divided we fall!
Den ____
Is best of all!

Do once, LOUD!

Look out!
Here we come.
Den ____
Is on the run!

Do once, LOUD!

North, South,
East or West,
Den ____
Is the best!

(LOUD, with ACTION!)

Clap your hands!
Stomp your feet!
For Den ____
Can't be beat!

A Pinewood Derby Reading

When I make my car,
I hope that I can win.
Everything is ready,
the weight & shine & spin.
The first race is the real test,
to see how good it is.
My helper is happy too,
you'd think the car is his!
Eventually I lose a race,
and it is hard to take,
But my helper and I sure had fun,
a Pinewood Derby car to make!

The Big Race (Audience Participation)

Narrator reads the following like a radio announcer with a lot of enthusiasm! The audience is divided into groups. As their assigned word is read in the story, they make the sound:

  • WHITE = Whiz!
  • RED = Zoom!
  • YELLOW = Zip!
  • BLUE = Ca-Chunk!

The cars are ready.
The flag us up.
The race is set to go.
The flag goes down,
The cars are off...
They're running toe to toe!
The white _____ is ahead.
The red _____ goes by.
Here comes the yellow _____ now.
Here comes another one - it's blue _____.
Whew, it sounds bad, wow!!
The last lap now.
The red _____ is leading,
The yellow _____ and white _____ close behind.
I'm looking hard -- I see the blue _____.
So far back, it's hard to find!
The finish line is just ahead.
That blue _____ is coming up fast,
I can't tell why ...
The crowds on its feet ...
They're yelling -
The white _____, the red _____,
The yellow _____, the blue _____,

Up to Pinewood Derby

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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