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Ten Steps to a Successful Pinewood Derby
STEP 7: Workshop
Organize a workshop to assist those who have never constructed
a car, or who might not have the tools or skills to build the
car at home. The workshop can be held at a Pack or Den meeting
place, or at someones home. Have the tools and materials ready
to show and use. It might be helpful to have example cars at various
stages of construction.
Tools for the workshop should include coping saws or a jig saw,
a hand electric drill, a bench or table, chisels, hammers, hot
glue gun, glue sticks, sanding blocks, rasps (wood files), pliers,
scredrivers, punch, and a board to pound on. Materials should
include sandpaper, paint, sealer, wax, buffing cloth, weights,
hand cleaner and paper towels.
- Show a basic car design on paper. Show how to put the lines
on the block of wood, either by tracing or using carbon paper.
Demonstrate how to make the initial cuts with a coping saw or
jig saw. Adults can help with power tools at this stage.
- Demonstrate detailed shaping. Instead of using a knife, encourage
the use of a wood rasp with both fine and coarse teeth.
- Drill and/or chisel out a hole in the block of wood for wieght
to be added. You will need a bench vise, drill and bits, and possible
extension cords. Weights can be purchased at the Scout Center,
from hobby stores, or you can use lead fishing sinkers, plumbing
solder, or other metal wieghts.
- Weigh the car components (wood block, axles, and wheels) along
with the weights. Don't forget to allow for the glue, sealer,
paint, and wax coats to come later.
- After the weights are put in the holes, conceal them with
plastic wood.
- Sand the car with fine sandpaper. A sanding block could be
helpful. Encourage the Scouts to do lots of sanding to get a good
finish on their car.
- Apply a coat of sanding sealer and two coats of paint to the
wood. Add stripes, decals, or any detailing. Apply an overcoat
of either clear lacquer or wax and buff.
- Wheels can be sanded to remove burrs or imperfections, but
the treads must be left flat. Put the wheel in the chuck of a
drill, and sand it lightly with a sanding block. The axles can
also be sanded lightly to remove burrs.
- Insert the axles (nails) through the wheels and into the grooves
in the car body. Cars with crooked wheels don't race too well,
so make sure they're straight, and apply a little hot glue to
keep them in place.
- Squirt some graphite into the wheels at the axle. Spin off
the excess onto newspaper. Graphite is pretty messy, but it makes
the cars roll much better. You can obtain graphite from the Scout
Center or hobby shops.
The cars are now ready to race.
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