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Pinewood Derby Planning

You will need a DERBY Chairperson ________________________
(Preferably someone knowledgeable in Pinewood Derby)

Ten Steps to a Successful Pinewood Derby:

  1. Assign a Pack Meeting date for the Derby. The entire meeting time should be for the Derby.
    • Date and Time: _______________________________
  2. Provide adequate indoor facility space for equipment, participants, and spectators.
    • Place: _______________________________________
  3. Schedule with District Derby Coordinator or whomever is in charge if track equipment is to be rented or borrowed.
    • Who: __________________________________________
  4. Purchase kits ahead of time in quantities of eight for price break and distribute at least one month ahead of time.
    • Assign: ______________________________________
  5. Determine what Awards will be given and Order or Make ahead of time. The awards should be given out DERBY night to be most effective.
    • Assign: ______________________________________
  6. Make sure BSA Council Specific Derby rules are given out to ALL families in Pack to ensure fairness to ALL participants.
    • Assign: ______________________________________
  7. Have Den or Pack show and tell workshop on "How to make a car." Suggest tools to use, Do's and Don'ts.
    • Assign: ______________________________________
  8. Pre-weigh-in. Whenever possible prior to official Derby night. This saves lots of time and headaches at the Derby.
    • Assign: ______________________________________
    • Date/Time/Place: ______________________________
  9. Assign helpers in advance or at Derby night.
    • Assign: ______________________________________
  10. Thank everyone involved.

Up to Pinewood Derby

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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