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Pinewood Derby Reference Materials
Pinewood Derby Links
Darin McGrew's Home Page has a great deal of
information that he maintains.
Stan Pope has a great Pinewood Derby site at
The Pinewood
Derby Info zip file contains several text files plus a compiled basic program that can be
used to create heats for a round-robin type of race using Stearns Method. It
attempts to let each scout race against either other on alternating tracks. It is an
alternative to double elimination, that many packs prefer. Thanks to: Neil Gould
(, for this information.
- BSA Catalog,
- published by the Boy Scouts of America, for prices and information on kits, supplies,
and awards.
- Cub Scout Grand Prix: Pinewood Derby Guidebook,
- published by the Boy Scouts of America, and available from the Scout Service Center or
through the BSA Catalog.
- The Cub Scout How-To Book,
- published by the Boy Scouts of America, for tips on running a Pinewood Derby and plans
to build a track.
- Formula for Building and Racing,
- published by the Pine Car Company, and available at hobby stores.
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