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Cub Scout Sports
for Camp Only

Archery Belt Loop


The information below was effective through May 31, 2015, when the Cub Scout advancement program was completely revised.

As part of the program changes, the Cub Scout Academics and Sports programs, including the Belt Loop and Pin mentioned here, was discontinued as of June 1, 2015.

The requirements listed below were taken from the
BSA National Shooting Sports Manual, No. 30931 (SKU 430029), 2011 Printing

The requirements for the Loop and Pin were completely rewrittten
since a previous edition.
Click here to see the previous requirements.

Archery, like BB-gun shooting, is a camp program. Boys can earn archery recognition items only at council/district day camp, resident camp, or council-managed family camping programs

Archery programs are not permitted at den and pack activities. However, leaders can help parents understand the importance of training and encourage attendance of boys at Cub Scout camps that offer this training.

To be a qualified and trained archery range supervisor, adults must take part in an archery supervisor training program conducted by the local council with the help of a National Camping School-certified field sports director or a National Archery Association (NAA) instructor.

The Archery belt loop and pin can only be awarded by a BSA range-trained shooting-sports director.

Earning the Archery Belt Loop while a Wolf Cub Scout
also satisfies Elective 20c (toward Wolf Arrow Points).


Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners. Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.

Belt Loop

Complete these three requirements:

  1. Explain the rules for safe archery that you have learned in the district/council camp or activity you are attending with your leader or adult partner.
  2. Demonstrate to your leader or adult partner good archery shooting techniques, including the stance and how to nock the arrow, establish the bow, draw, aim, release, follow-through and retrieve arrows.
  3. Practice shooting at your district or council camp for the time allowed.

Sports Pin

Earn the Archery belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:

  1. Explain the parts of a bow and demonstrate how to string the bowstring in a proficient manner.
  2. Demonstrate how to properly use archery equipment, including arm guards, finger tabs, and quivers and explain about proper clothing.
  3. Develop proficient shooting techniques by practicing for three hours.
  4. Learn the correct scoring techniques for target archery.
  5. Make a poster that emphasizes the four whistle codes.
  6. Draw to scale or set up an archery range.
  7. Shoot 30 arrows from a distance of 30 feet at a target and score at least 50 points, or shoot 30 arrows from a distance of 90 feet and score at least 30 points.
  8. Help make a type of target for the camp archery range.
  9. Show how to put away and properly store archery equipment.
  10. Tell five facts about an archer in history or literature.

Cub Scout Shooting Sports Award Certificate

The Cub Scout Shooting Sports Award, No. 34216, may be awarded to a boy whenever he achieves a level of marksmanship or excellence. The archery range master, with other leaders of the camp or event, may determine special circumstances where a unique award might be useful. The award might be given for proficiency in shooting, best sportsmanship, or for some other appropriate achievement.

Worksheets for use in working on these requirements: Word Format PDF Format

Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the loop and pin that includes these requirements.

Page updated on: April 19, 2015

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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