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BSA has recently revised the Troop Committee Guidebook to a 8.5x11 looseleaf format. Its #34505B. If you don't have it, get it. Lot of good info on what the Troop Committee is for and how scouting should run.
BSA has also recently released a training syllabus for Troop Committees. Its called Troop Committee Challenge and is #33643.
The following material is from our archives and for reference only:
8:45 Opening Ceremonies are at 8:45
- 1. Flag Ceremony - Pledge of Allegance
8:50 - 8:59 Training Sessions Information & Introduction
of Staff
- 1. Welcome
- 2. Administrative
- a. Coffee
- b. Bathrooms
- c. Smoking
- d. Course Structure
- e. Questions Welcome
- f. Evaluation
- 3. Key Thoughts - FUN & KISMIF
- 4. Introduce Staff and Attendees - Go Around Table
9:00 - 9:25 What is Scouting & How does it work?
- 1. Let's start at the beginning - Baden-Powel in Afrika
- 2. Scouting Moves to U.S.
- 3. Goals
- a. Character Development
- b. Citizenship Training
- c. Personal Fitness
- 4. Methods
- a. Ideals
- b. Dens & Patrols
- c. Outdoors
- d. Advancement
- e. Adult Association
- f. Personal Growth - Good Turn, Religious Programs, Service
- g. Leadership Development
- h. Uniforms
- 5. Organization
- a. World - 14 million
- b. National - 3.9 million
- c. Regions
- d. Councils
- e. Districts - Committee and Commissioner Service
- f. Chartered Organization - Charters
- g. Unit Committees - Duties will be covered by Mike Boyce
- h. Unit Leader - Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Advisor
- 6. The Scouts
- 7. Program
- a. National
- b. Council & District
- c. Unit - Meetings
- d. Unit - Activities and Outings
- e. Advancement Opportunities
- f. Growth Opportunities
- 8. Safety & YPP
9:25 - 9:50 Your role in Scouting?
9:50 - 10:15 Unit organization and responsibilities
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 10:50 Program Support - Resources
- 1. National Program - Literature & Publications
- a. Relationships Division - BSA Today
- b. Scouting Magazine
- c. Boys Life
- d. Program Helps
- e. Leader Guides
- f. Record Books
- g. Program Materials
- h. Events
- 2. Council/District
- a. Training
- b. Roundtable
- c. Commissioners
- d. Events
- 3. Units
- a. Resource Inventory
- b. Chartering Organization
- c. Community
- 4. Internet
- 5. Program Issues
- a. Transportation
- b. Tour Permits
- c. Equipment
- d. Finances
10:50 - 11:10 Sparking Advancement
Problem 1: Our Pack recruits lots of boys every fall at Join Scouting
Night. Few of them compete their rank requirements by the end
of the year. We have a lot of Wolf and Bear Dens, but have trouble
getting enough to have Webelos Dens.
Identify problems -
- Does Pack use ceremonies?
- Are rewards immediate?
- Do parents understand what their role is?
- What can we do?
Problem 2: Our Scoutmaster has made it clear that the Troop will
never be a merit badge factory or an Eagle factory! He says that
the boys are there for fun and that's why he plans lots of fun
activities. About half the boys make it to First Class before
they quit. There was an Eagle Scout a few years back.
- Any problems here?
- Who's responsible for advancement?
- How should the program work?
- Why is advancement important?
- What can we do to encourage advancement in a Troop?
- Is there a right amount of advancement? a best balance?
Problem 3: (Pack or Troop) At every meeting the unit keeps the
Scouts working on advancements at a furious pace. They are earning
badges left and right. They do so well that they are running out
of badges to earn.
- Any problems here?
11:10 - 11:35 Mysteries of Finance & FOS
- a. Dues and Fees
- 1) Individual Registration Fees - $10.00 each.
- 2) Boys Life Magazine - $10.80
- 3) Unit Dues, if any (Some charge dues on an annual or semi-annual
- 4) Unit Accident Insurance
- b. Basic Operating Expenses
- 1) Advancement awards -- This may be the biggest single budget item depending upon the
size of your pack and the progress of your scouts. For example
advancement awards for a Webelos Scout earning 8 Activity Badges,
3 Belt Loops, Webelos Rank, Compass Patch, and Compass Point would
cost just under $15. A den of six boys with similar advancement
would then cost $90. Wolf and Bear advancement costs are generally
much lower. You may also want to factor in the cost of Attendance
Award Pins and Services Stars at $2.00 per scout and $1.00 per
registered leader.
- 2) Insignia and Regalia of membership -- Some units present each new scout with his Council Strip, Unit
Number, Neckerchef, and slide at an induction ceremony or at a
Tiger Cub crossover ceremony.
- 3) Leader Training Fees
- 4) Fees associated with reserving meeting places
- 5) Activity Fees
- 6) Day Camp and/or Goshen Camp Registration Fees
- 7) Council & District Activities Registration Fees (e.g.
Camporee, Pinewood Derby, Scout Extravaganza)
- c. Program Materials
- 1) United States Flag, Unit Flag, Patrol/Den Flags, if new
ones are needed.
- 2) Ceremonial equipment
- 3) Record books, forms, etc.
- 4) Leader Books for Registered Leaders
- 5) Other books, literature, and materials needed for meetings.
- d. Activities - Use Pack as an example - Different for Troops
Usually pack activities are financed by charges to each participant.
However, some activities require special pack equipment or the
payment of fees in advance. These costs should be budgeted as
expenses and fees charged to participants listed as income.
- 1) Holiday Party or Special Events
- 2) Pinewood Derby Cars Some packs provide each Scout with
a pinewood derby kit as a present at a holiday party.
- 3) Maintenance of Pinewood Derby Track
- 4) Pinewood Derby Expenses
- 5) Blue and Gold Banquet Expenses
- 6) Scout Extravaganza Display
- 7) Spring, Summer or Fall Picnic or Cook-out
- 8) Den Support Some packs allocate an amount to each den
to defray the costs of den activities and crafts that exceed
den dues.
- 9) Equipment
- a. Dues/Fees
- b. Sale of Scouting Event Tickets
- c. Council/District Popcorn Sales
- d. Other Approved Fund Raising Activities
- e. Reserve Fund established by Chartering Organization
Each Pack should have its own bank account maintained by its treasurer.
Pack monies should never be deposited in a personal bank or checking
account. To insure that monies are properly accounted for the
Pack Committee should set up controls; e.g. limiting the number
of persons who can sign Pack checks, requring advance approval
of expenditures in excess of a certain amount, monthly reports,
etc. At a minimum the Pack Committee must decide who will:
- a. Sign account signature cards and checks
- b. Make deposits
- c. Have checks available for use
- d. Approve expenses and at what level
11:35 - 12:10 Lunch (Brown Bag) with Panel Discussion
1. Rechartering
2. Selecting Good Leaders
12:10 - 12:35 Making the Unit Grow - Membership
12:35 - 12:50 Sustaining Leadership
12:50 - 1:15 Ceremonies & Recognition
This is an area that is typically outside of the responsibility
of the Committee. However, you are in an oversight role to make
sure that program is delivered. One key ingredient in sustaining
leadership was recognition and ceremonies; e.g. for the Scout
leaders. Let's take that same thought and apply it to the boys.
- 1. Why ceremonies and recognition?
- 2. How often? Pack? Troop?
- 3. Who runs them? Pack? Troop?
- 4. Key ingredients?
- a. Special setting
- b. Call attention
- c. Short
- d. Memory makers
- 5. Committee Role?
- a. Funding
- b. Arrangements
- c. Special Considerations for Eagle Recognition
1:15 - 1:25 District Commissioner - Comments and Thoughts
1:25 - 1:30 Closing and Distribution of Training Certificates