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Most people know that Philmont is booked for 2000 and 2001 as far as regular expeditions are concerned. But did you know there will be several other opportunities for older youth to enjoy a Philmont adventure during the summer of 2000?

In all cases, the individual or his/her family must provide transportation to and from Philmont. With the exception of the National Junior Leader Instructor Camp, individuals should contact Philmont at 505-376-2281 or write to Philmont, Rt. 1, Box 35, Cimarron, NM 87714 for an application for any of these programs.

Here is a description of these "special" opportunities listed for 2000 in Philmont literature:

The 20 days/nights RAYADO TREK is for individuals at least age 15 by January 1, 2000 (or have completed the 9th grade), and not older than 21. There are separate crews for males and females. Rayado participants will experience more of Philmont’s backcountry than during normal treks and will have program opportunities beyond those normally available. Rayado is unparalleled for developing outdoor leadership, group dynamics, wilderness problem-solving and advanced outdoor skills. A Rayado Trek encourages participants to attain a high level of personal growth and self-reliance. Previous Philmont experience is strongly recommended but not required. Arrival dates are June 18 or July 23. Cost is $450 per person.

The TRAIL CREW carries out vital conservation projects and necessary trail work. This program is limited to young men and women at least age 16 and not older than 21. There are separate crews for males and females. Each trail crew spends 18 days at a backcountry work project and then participates in a special 10-day backpacking expedition under the leadership of their Trail Crew foreman. Arrival dates for this program are June 11 or July 16. There is no fee associated with this program.

The RANCH HAND program is a program for Scouts and male Venturers at least age 16 and not older than 21, who have knowledge of horsemanship and horse care and want to expand their skills and experience. Each Ranch Hand crew will spend 8 days helping the horse department staff with hay hauling, saddling, chores and other horse program tasks, and then will participate in their own special horse Cavalcade trek for 8 days. The arrival date for this program is July 8. There is no fee associated with this program.

NATIONAL JUNIOR LEADER INSTRUCTOR CAMP is the ultimate training experience for youth leaders. Participants must be First Class rank or higher, 14 years of age by the opening day of the course, but not yet 18, and have completed their council’s Junior Leader Training course. Each session lasts 6 days/nights. The cost is $200. Arrival dates are June 11, June 18, July 1, July 9, July 16 and July 23. Scouts must be nominated by their council to take part in NJLIC. Contact your council's Training Chairman for additional information.

There are MOUNTAIN MEN and MOUNTAIN WOMEN treks for teenage relatives of people attending the Philmont Training Center. Typically, Mountain Trek crews travel 20-30 miles into the backcountry where participatns stay at several camps that offer a variety of exciting programs. The fee is $190.

In addition, the Order of the Arrow has sponsored a TRAIL CREW program at Philmont for several years. I haven't seen any information on the OA Trail Crew for 2000. My suggestion is that you monitor the National OA web page at for information as it becomes available.

Each summer, Philmont offers summer employment to several hundred people. Jobs include working on conservation projects, working in the cafeteria, working in the trading post, backcountry staff positions, working at the Philmont Training Center, being a Philmont Ranger and more. Individuals must be at least 18 years of age or have completed high school in order to be employed by Philmont.

From a posting by Calvin Gray, Scouts-L

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