Ten Steps to a Successful Pinewood Derby

STEP 2: Provide Space

  • Provide adequate indoor facility space for equipment, participants, and spectators. Most school gyms and lunch rooms are adequate. The larger the pack, the greater the space needed. Churches and Legion Halls are also used.
  • The length required to accommodate chart, starting end space, 4 sections of track, stopping section, and finishing end space is approximately 45 feet long.
  • Clean up afterwards -- and remember, GRAPHITE IS DIRTY!!
  • Prime equipment required:
The number of lanes are 2 to 8 (and up). Length of tracks vary. The Pack can build, rent, or borrow a track to suit. The track must have a releasing mechanism at the starting end, and some sort of finish line or electronic scoring system at the finishing end. You may need to make special arrangements for stopping the cars at the end of the track.
Microphone system
Required to run the races and be heard
Needed to control race (either on a clipboard or on a big board)
(one each for)
  • Registration and final weigh-in
  • Awards (preview for all the spectators)
  • Chart Support
  • Holding Table for next Den to race
  • Display Table to hold all cars
  • Pit Stop Table with tools and repair parts
  • Graphite Table, with pie plates and newspaper
Trash can or bag, brooms, etc, for clean up.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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