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Statement A Venturing crew must be coed.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Nope, can be all male or all female.
Statement We're a Venture Patrol, so we're wearing the orange loops!
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Sorry, only Varsity Scout Teams wear those, and the "Venture Patrol" has been renamed "Older Scout Patrol"
Statement We're a Venture Patrol, so we can wear the green shirts, right?
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Sorry, no. First, the term "Venture Patrol" has been replaced with "Older Scout Patrol." Furthermore, only Venturing Crews wear those. You're Boy
Scouts, so you wear tan.
Statement We're a Venture Patrol, we can wear the spruce green loops on our tan shirts.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Nope, Again, the term "Venture Patrol" has been replaced with "Older Scout Patrol," and spruce green loops are worn only on the spruce green shirts of the Venturing division only.
Statement We don't have to wear spruce green loops with our spruce green Venturing shirts. Its just redundant.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Sorry, no. The Venturing Reference Guide in the Venturing Leader Manual makes it clear you *do* wear the spruce green loops with the spruce green shirt. This is proper uniforming. Plus you will see some wearing silver and gold loops with the green shirts.
Statement Venturing is just Exploring with a new name.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Not really, Exploring still exists under Learning for Life. There is some overlap with the old Exploring, but Venturing doesn't have the affiliation/focus with organizations like police or fire fighting that Exploring had.
Statement We're in a Venture crew.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Nope, You're in a VENTURING CREW.
Statement We're Venture Scouts
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Nope, You're either BOY SCOUTS, or you're VENTURERS in a VENTURING CREW.