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Glossary of Acronyms
ACPP - Advancement Committee Guide - Policies and Procedures (BSA Pub.
33088) (Obsolete - Replaced by the Guide to Advancement)AOL - Arrow of Light (the highest rank in the Cub Scout Program)
ASM - Assistant Scoutmaster
BOR and EBOR - Board of Review, Eagle Board of Review
BS - Boy Scout(s) (also used to refer to the Boy Scout Division)
BSA - You're kidding, right? You know this one. -- Boy Scouts of America
CAC - Council Advancement Committee
CACC - Council Advancement Committee Chair
CC - Committee Chair (for packs, troops, crews, and ships)
CS - Cub Scout(s) (also used to refer to the Cub Scout Division)
DAC - District Advancement Committee
DACC - District Advancement Committee Chair
DL - Den Leader
G2SS (or GTSS)- Guide to Safe Scouting (BSA Pub 34416)
GTA - Guide to Advancement (BSA Pub. 3308)
LFL - Learning for Life, the BSA subsidiary that includes career oriented Exploring.
MB - Merit Badge
MBC - Merit Badge Counselor
OA - Order of the Arrow
SA or ASM - Assistant Scoutmaster
SM - Scoutmaster
SPL - Senior Patrol Leader (the highest-level elected leadership position
in a Troop)
SS - Sea Scout
V - Venturing (Usually used to refer to the Venturing division)
WDL - Webelos Den Leader