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Statement But we've always done it that way!
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments It may be true that something has always been done a certain way, but if it isn't the right way, a long history of mistakes still doesn't make it the right way.
Statement From a former District Executive: I can bend any rule in the book except the requirements for Eagle.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Probably a good reason this is from a "former" DE. Some rules are absolutes like the rules on Safety and Youth Protection. People who bend rules that impact youth Safety do not belong and Scouting and need to go somewhere else . . . maybe to jail.
Statement From our Field Director: These Division and District totals aren't just a numbers game.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Scouting is about the program and the goals of the Scouting Movement whether its one Scout or millions. While it may be important to funding to have high membership numbers, from a volunteer perspective it is sure sounds like a numbers game when professionals talk about numbers more than quality of program. If you have a high quality program, you'll get the numbers. Build the foundation first.
Statement From our Council Exec: We are implementing a new computer software program called Scout Net and it will revolutionize the way we keep our records
Fact or Fiction Maybe
Comments Computer systems can help speed up records handling, but real changes come from business process changes and not computerizing.
Statement Only the Boy Scouts and the American Legion have been authorized by Congress to retire flags.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Just not so. The U.S. Code provides for the destruction of soiled or damaged flags without any reference to either organization.
Statement Your Chartered Organization Rep will handle that to which I wrote, or your Unit Commissioner.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments These are not equivalent positions. Your Chartered Organization is responsible for providing quality leadership and can remove a leader. A Unit Commissioner does neither and instead is the Unit Leader's friend, coach, and advisor there to help the Unit Leader achieve success.