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Statement One hour a week!!
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Ya gotta be kidding! If you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell. Scouting leadership is a commitment to serve youth members that extends beyond just a one hour meeting and includes a wide variety of activities, outings, training, and fun.
Statement Training is optional.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Training is essential to delivering a quality Scouting program to your youth members. Maybe you can put on the uniform and have a title, but you can't be a real leader without knowing the basics of the program and how to deliver it. Some training like Youth Protection Training is absolutely required. Let's look at this another way. If something bad happens because you didn't take training and could have used that knowledge to avoid the problem, how do you think it will go in a court if you are sued?
Statement Two deep leadership is required at all meetings.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments The rule is that you have to have two leaders on "trips" or "outings" (except patrol activities) and that there can be no one-on-one between boys and leaders. However, I'll certainly agree that two-deep at meetings is a huge plus.
Statement Two-deep leadership means you have to have two adults in the car. or, Two-deep leadership is for youth protection.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Neither is true-- it's the rule of three that applies in each situation. The rule of three is basically One adult with at least two Scouts or At least two adults with only one Scout.
Statement Fill in all the forms, do all the training, use 2 deep leadership, follow all the procedures - if anything goes wrong and you did nothing wrong, your Council will stand behind you.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments What planet are you from?
Statement Once trained, always trained
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Some training has specific expiration dates. Beyond that, there are constant changes in how we deliver the program that require periodic re-training to keep up to speed and provide the best leadership. Would you trust a car mechanic that got trained twenty years ago and hasn't learned how to work on new models like your car?
Statement The scoutmaster of a troop must be male.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Not. Similar is the concept that women cannot act as the scoutmaster at summer camp or on an outing. However, a chartered organization can require otherwise.
Statement The only place that a REAL Scout leader would be is in a Troop.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Real Scouters are needed in a wide range of positions ranging from local unit leadership roles right up to the National Organization. Scouting wouldn't work without the participation of Scouters at all levels of the program.
Statement Females can't be registered as a (insert position).
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Not true. They can and have been registered in every volunteer position BSA offers. The only restrictions are on youth membership or if restricted by the chartered organization.