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Statement Little Johnny Scout isn't covered by unit accident insurance until his application is turned in to the council.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Actually, a Scout is covered by unit accident insurance as soon as the unit accepts the application. Of course, having accident insurance is a council by council issue.
Statement No power tools. Especially for Cub Scouts.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments While not true, you still are obligated to follow BSA's safety guidelines. See,
Statement You must have a Totin Chip card in your possession to use a knife or axe.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments A Totin' Chip card program is an optional program that units can use to encourage safety.
Statement I know how to shoot, I'll teach the shotgun (or rifle) merit badge even though I'm not an NRA certified instructor.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments All instructors must be NRA certified. No exceptions. Check out
Statement It's ok, they have lifeguards -- we don't need to worry about Safe Swim Defense.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments The Safe Swim Defense plan is required for all swimming activities. Take a look at
Statement It is BSA Policy that all medications be turned over to the SM or another adult at all Scout functions.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments I think this comes from the policy in effect at most Scout Camps I have visited. But it clearly is not the BSA policy as evidenced by a lack of mention in the Guide to Safe Scouting and in the Scoutmaster Handbook. There may be local policies in place for your Council based on state or local laws governing the handling of medications for youths and/or advice from your Council's Risk Assessment Committee.
Check with your local Council for guidance on this subject. See,
Statement For swimming to be approved in a pool, it must be heated to 70 degrees. There are no temperature requirements for lakes.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Actually, there are no temperature requirements at all. Lots of depth requirements, but not temperature.
Statement No fixed sheath blades.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments Actually, that is only a recommendation, not a ban.
Statement The unit's adults are exempt from liability resulting from an injury or property damage on a patrol activity IF the rules have been followed requiring the SM to secure permission from the parents and guardians of the participating members of the patrol.
Fact or Fiction Fiction
Comments What planet is that person from? Exempt from liability? Maybe you could win in a lawsuit, but it will cost.