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Baloo's Bugle

August 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 1
September 2007 Theme

Theme: Cub Scout Express
Webelos: Citizen & Communicator
Tiger Cub


Before earning his Tiger Badge, a Tiger Cub must earn the Cub Scouting Bobcat badge as his first badge of rank after joining the pack. Earning the Bobcat badge is then followed by earning the Tiger Cub badge.

When helping your Cubs earn their Bobcats, find fun ways to help with all the memorization.  Games, word searches, puzzles, fill in the blanks. 

Cub Scout Promise Word Search

By - bfreemanpack301

Find all 14 words in this word search –

ANDMY                            ANDTO                       COUNTRY
DUTY                               MYBEST                              OBEY
OFTHEPACK           OTHERPEOPLE                 PROMISE
THELAW                           TODO                          TODOMY
TOGOD                            TOHELP

Go to

And you will find more Cub Scout related Word Searches


Games to Help New Cub Scouts Learn the Bobcat Requirements

Pack 114, Fort Calhoun, NE

Techniques –

¨       Repetition Write the Promise (or the Law of the Pack) on a posterboard and display it at every den meeting. Be sure to recite it every meeting. At each meeting, ask if any Cub can recite it from memory and let him try.

¨       Memorization Activities The Cubs have more fun if you set up a few of these for each meeting. Set up stations and divide the Cubs into groups. Have each group rotate through each of the stations.

Games –

1.       Line up the Lines  Take the Promise (or the Law of the Pack) and write it out on strips of paper in large letters. If you want, you can cut the lines up into chunks or half-lines. Then have a team challenge for the whole group. Mix up the strips on the floor or in a box. One by one, a Cub hops to the box, grabs a strip, and brings it back to the group. The next Cub hops up and gets another strip and brings it back to the group. Hopping is done to give the group time to arrange the strips in order. The group has to agree on how to arrange the strips. When done, they recite the Promise together.

2.       Line up the Lines Relay  Divide the team in half or thirds (2-4 per team), putting stronger Cubs with weaker Cubs to even things out. Each group has their own set of strips. Repeat as in "Line up the Lines."

3.       Line up the Lines Contest  Set up strips for each individual Cub. Now they play "Line up the Lines" by themselves and try to finish correctly first.

4.       Sort and Assemble Challenge  Once they are really good, challenge them. Put all the paper lines (or segments) of both the Promise and the Law of the Pack together. Play this game as a group, in relay or as individuals. This game can keep the faster learners occupied while the less adept practice more.

5.       Pick-up Sticks Game  Write the Promise (or Law of the Pack) on craft sticks or paint stir sticks. Divide the Cubs into teams, with each team having a set of sticks. One by one, the Cubs go to the table, pick-up then drop the sticks on the table and reassemble them. Have an adult tally the score for each team (award 1 point each time the Promise or Law is assembled correctly).

6.       Interlock Puzzle  Glue a blank paper to the back of an assembled child's puzzle (20-25 pieces). Write out the Promise (or the Law of the Pack) on this page and then carefully cut through the sheet and around the pieces with an Exacto knife. Let the Cubs practice putting the puzzle together as a gathering activity. You may want to use different colored sheets for each puzzle you make.

7.       Picture Craft  Each boy writes the Promise (or the Law of the Pack) on craft sticks. Have them use pens and try to write one full line on each stick. Cut out a piece of posterboard slightly taller than the assembled sticks. Glue the sticks to cardboard in order. Punch holes in the top of the cardboard and bend a pipe cleaner through these so it can be hung on the wall.

8.       Be a Reporter Game  This requires a tape recorder and microphone. Each boy records the both the Promise and the Law of the Pack on the recorder. Then he plays it back. This repetition works really great, while the boys get a blast listening to their recorded voices.

9.       Roll the Dice Game  This requires one dice (a big one if you have it). Each boy rolls the dice and depending on what number comes up, he performs one of the parts of the Bobcat trail. Score points for each boy who does the task correctly. Add some flavor - let a roll of 4 yield an extra roll. Here are the tasks for each number:

1 =          recite the Cub Scout Promise

2 =          recite the Law of Pack and tell its meaning

3 =          recite the Cub Scout Motto & tell what Webelos means

4 =          show the Cub Scout sign & tell its meaning

5 =          show the Cub Scout handshake & tell its meaning

6 =          show the Cub Scout salute & tell its meaning

10.    Mystery Bag  Let the Cubs earn a chance to grab a prize from the "mystery bag". This is a bag filled with trinkets and small stuff like pencils, stickers, coins, etc. At the beginning of the meeting, announce the "secret phrase" (i.e. one line from the Promise). Let the Cubs repeat it a few times right then. At the end of the meeting, each Cub must whisper it to the leader and get it correct for a chance to reach into the mystery bag. Each time this method is used, make the secret phrase longer and longer until it's the whole Promise.

Next month and the four after that will each have an article about one of the Tiger Achievements.  I usually do Achievement 5 first because that involves the Outdoors, which is where the boys want to be!!  And besides if you wait until January, in some areas weather can be a problem!!

Tips for a Successful Tiger Program

St Louis Area Council

1.       Compare notes with all the Partners in your den when it comes to setting dates.

2.       Pick a location that is versatile and easy for everyone to find.

3.       Keep projects fun and enjoyable by all.

4.       Try to keep a somewhat fast pace so the boys don’t have time to get bored. Remember that some boys will finish quicker than others.

5.       Include the boys in on the decision making when planning anything. They know what they like better than we do.

6.       Communication – this is very important! Set a calling tree so one person does not have to make all the calls. Each Partner should have a list of names and numbers for everyone in their den.

7.       The den leader should take the time to get to know each of the boys and their partners. This will help when determining if you have a “Will” or “Will Not” travel group. Distance and cost can be a deterrent for some families.

8.       Know the relationship of each Partner to their Tiger Cub. Sometimes it may not be mom or dad. We want our boys to be comfortable and that relationship can be a touchy subject.

9.       Stay upbeat! Our moods set the mood of our boys. It been a long, day, week, month but when the den is together we should “put on a happy face”.

I (The author from St. Louis) have a story to share in relation to this tip. I received an email several years ago from a friend that was a great inspiration for just those kinds of days. It was about a plumber who was working at a customer’s house where everything that could go wrong did. The plumber asked the homeowner if it would be possible to come back tomorrow and finish the job. Of course the homeowner, knowing how things had went, said that was fine. The plumber went to start his van and, you guessed it, it would not start. As he tried to figure out what to do, the homeowner came out and offered him a ride home. Through the entire drive, short of giving directions, the plumber was silent. When they arrived at the plumber’s house he invited the homeowner to meet his family. On the walk to the front door the plumber paused at a tree in his front yard. There he laid his hand on the tree and closed his eyes for a moment. When he lifted his hand from the tree a new man emerged. The plumber was now happy and jovial, a far cry from what he had been like all day. He introduced his family to the homeowner. As the plumber walked him back to his car the homeowner asked what happened when you placed your hand on the tree. You became a new person. The plumber explained “I did not want my family to have to see me that ways so I left my worries on the tree for God to see and tomorrow when I return to the tree they are gone. God had lifted them from me, letting me know that no matter what He is always there allowing me to continue unburdened.”

The moral of the story, though it may seem really bad at the moment take some time to let them settle. Lay them down and be happy with your family and friends. Tomorrow it won’t be so bad.

10.    Shared Leadership!! Remember that as the den leader you are not suppose to do it all! Each Tiger Cub Team should take care of a meeting and/or Go-See-It. A good way is to split it up by month. Two teams can work together to complete their month. Just remember to make sure everyone takes a turn! This is a team effort!

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