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Baloo's Bugle

August 2005 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 12, Issue 1
September 2005 Theme

Theme: Cub Scout Roundupl
Webelos: Communicator & Citizen
  Tiger Cub


Cowboy Advancement

Santa Clara County Council

Props:   Ropes, fake fire, flour or chalk dust, branding iron with T, W and B, cowboy hats (Branding irons can be made of dowels or iron rods with wooden letters attached to end.)

Parents are asked to lasso boys receiving rank advancement. Cubmaster brands the boys (T-Tiger, B-Bobcat, W-Wolf, B-Bear, WB-Webelos) hands with brands and inkpad.

“These Cubs have been loose in the field and now have advanced in rank. Tonight, we will brand them with their new rank.”  (Hand badges to parents who will present to their sons).

Cowboy Roundup

San Gabriel, Long Beach Area, Verdugo Hills Councils

Supplies Needed

- Rank Badge

- Straight pin

- Rank Parents pin

- Branding Iron (for affect, if available)

People Required

Trail Boss:                         Cubmaster

Cowboy:              Assistant Cubmaster

Wrangler:                          Den Leader

Trail Boss:  In the Old West, a cowboy would round up the herd of cattle in the fall in order to brand them using a branding iron (hold up a branding iron if one is available). A branding iron is a metal rod that is formed into a set of symbols at one end. The branding iron was heated and applied to a spot near the rear of the calf. This burnt the brand, the symbol on the branding iron, into the hide of the calf. After this was done, one could identify that cow as belonging to a certain ranch.

Cowboy:     Just as the branding iron left its brand or mark on the cow, we are here to honor Cub Scouts with the brand of their Scouting rank. On their trail to learning about themselves, their families, their country, and God, they have taken part in many activities in the pack.

Trail Boss:  Bring these Cub Scouts and their parents forward so I may honor them with the brand of Cub Scouts they have earned.

Cowboy:     Would the following Cub Scouts come forward with their parents?

Trail Boss or Wrangler calls up Scouts by name

Wrangler: Present parents with badges. Shake boys’ hands

Trail Boss: Parents, would you please present your son his brand, which is the Cub Scout Badge for his rank. As is the custom in our pack, please pin the Badge upside down on your son’s left pocket. Once he performs a good deed, it may be permanently attached right side up.

If not the custom in your Pack – don’t use the second part of the above paragraph.  There is frequent and often heated debate on this issue.  Good Turns are part of the Boy Scout program.  Although service projects and service to others are part of the Cub Scout program, Good Turns are not part of the Cub Scout program.   CD

Wrangler: Pass out Parent Pin to each boy who then pins it on to the shirt or award ribbon of one of his parents

Cowboy:    Parents, you too have earned a brand that represents the support you have given your son. Thank you for your involvement in his achievement and encouraging him to move upward on the Scouting trail.

Trail Boss:These boys deserve a cheer for their hard work. What would be more appropriate than the cowboy phrase for very good, top notch – Yee-haw, that was “Fine as Cream Gravy!!”

The Long Drive

Setting:    Open range, campfire (house lights dimmed).

Attire:      Cowboy style hat, scarf, vest, etc.

Cubmaster (Trail boss): To the cowboy of the Old West, nothing was more challenging than the long drive. His days were long; his sleep was little; and his food was edible....sometimes. The trail crew consisted of dedicated, non-complaining, tireless cowboys who worked as a team, each with responsibilities according to his experience.

Tonight we recognize our trail hands for the efforts they have made in improving their skills.

Riding drag for our trail drive are the Bobcats. Their enthusiasm keeps alive our spirit of togetherness. Have the Bobcats and their parents come forward. Present the awards. Have the parents return to their seats. The new Bobcats are seated around the campfire Lead a cheer for the Bobcats

Our Wolves are in the green horn stage. Each task is a new challenge and is met with wide—eyed eagerness. They are in charge of the rernuda and assure future strength for our crew. (Have the Wolves and their parents come forward. Present awards. Have the parents return to their seats. The new Wolves are seated around the campfire.) In addition, these Wolves have demonstrated a keen desire to succeed by earning arrow points. (Present the awards. Then have the boys return to the campfire.) Lead a cheer for the Wolves

Honing skills learned as Wolves, our Bears are the drovers on our crew. They have proven their ability to meet the demands of the drive and to seek out new adventures in the arrow point trail. (Have the parents and Bears come forward. Present awards. Have the parents return to their seats. The new Bears are seated around the campfire.) Lead a cheer for the Bears

Webelos are the point men on our trail drive. Their knowledge and experience set the goals of achievement for the Pack and give continuity to our crew. With courage and determination, Webelos Scouts further define and execute their skills by earning activity badges. (Have the parents and Webelos come forward for Webelos activity badges. (Present awards. Have the parents return to their seats. The Webelos are seated around the campfire.) Lead a cheer for the Webelos

(Ask all awards recipients to stand and face audience.) Ladies and gentlemen, it is roundup time again. The trail can be long and tiring but as long as we work together, we will reach our destination. May I present to you, our trail drive crew...a group I would be proud to ride with on the range. Lead a final cheer for everyone

New Scout Welcome

Baltimore Area Council

Leader: Cowboys have specific clothing, which identifies them with their profession. The hat protects them from the rain and sun. Chaps protect them from blisters, briar bushes, and cow horns. The scarf is used for many reasons: To protect the face in windstorms, to insulate the head from heat, and to cool the neck.

In Cub Scouts, the scarf is used to identify the boy with the largest boys’ organization in theUnited States and the principles under which it functions. The color of the scarf denotes the level of Scouting the boy is entering.

Orange for Tigers, Yellow for Wolfs, Blue for Bears and Plaid for Webelos.

We now want to welcome (boy’s name) to the (Wolf, Bear, Webelos) program.

Repeat for each Cub Scout.

Lead a cheer for all when done

Wear the scarf proudly. You now represent the Cub Scouts of America  Congratulations!

Pioneer Campfire Ceremony

Baltimore Area Council

Personnel:        Trail Boss, Bobcat Scout, Wolf Scout, Bear Scout, and Webelos Scout.

Setting:            Onstage campfire in foreground, behind large cutouts of wagons for the affect of wagon train. As the curtain opens the Trail Boss is seated at the fire. Scouts enter one at a time and are greeted by the Trail Boss, and they areseated at the campfire.

Trail Boss:       Scouts, it has been a long trail but I think that we have some Scouts that have passed our tests and learned the trail. Since this is our last campfire for this month, now would be a good time to advance them in the ranks of Scouting.  Bobcat Scout, have you found any boys that are ready to join our wagon train on the trail to adventure and Boy Scouting?

Bobcat Scout:   I have boys who are ready to pass their tests, they have learned well and are anxious to join our Pack.

Trail Boss:       Will these boys come to the campfire with their parents?

Bobcat Scout:   Calls Boys names and invites parents to come forward with their boys. Ahead of you stretches a long trail full of fun and new skills that you will learn. Before you join our train you must be a Bobcat, now for the test.

(Have boys give several of Bobcat requirements - salute, Promise, Law of the Pack, Motto, meaning of Webelos.)

Bobcat Scout:   Congratulations, you are now Bobcat Scouts with Pack _____ and the trail to your next rank  lies ahead, work hard and soon you will advance. Parents, please present theBobcat patch to your son. Thank You.

Trail Boss:        It is good to see new Scouts joining our train because there is a lot of fun ahead on our Cub Scout Trail. Wolf Scout, do you have any Bobcats that have passed your tests for Wolf Scout?

Wolf Scout:      I have ______ Scouts that have shown they are ready for more difficult tasks on the trail. Call names

Trail Boss:       Will those Scouts come forward with their parents?

Wolf Scout:      It has been a long trail and you have worked hard for your Wolf Scout badge.  Soon you will have a new trail ahead of you, the Bear trail. I know that you will do well in what lies ahead for you. May you always carry with you the sign of the Wolf Scout. (Hold up hand in Cub Scout sign.)

Trail Boss:       Bear Scout, do you have Wolf Scouts that have passed your test for Bear Scout?

Bear Scout:      Yes, I have the following Wolf Scouts that have completed all their tasks for the Bear Scout badge.

Trail Boss:       Will the following Scouts come forward with their parents to receive their Bear Badges?

Bear Scout:      You have traveled a long trail from Bobcat to Wolf and now you have learned many new skills and earned your Bear Award. Now you may continue to earn arrow points until you are ready to enter the ranks of our most experienced Scouts, the Webelos. Keep up the good work on your Cub Scout Trail.


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