From Heart of America Council
4th of July Opening
Cub 1
Stand up for the flag of America, wherever you may go.
Cub 2
Respect it and protect it, for it shall keep you free.
Cub 3
Free to do what you want to do, and say what you want to say.
Cub 4
Free to go where you want to go, and pray the way you want to pray.
Cub 5
Stand up for the flag of America, for all the world t see.
Cub 6
Stand up for the flat, that star spangled flag, that stands for you
and me.
Cub 7
Please join us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
4th of July Closing - The Flag
We watch the flag as it passes
A flash of color against the
Its fifty stars are as
dazzling white
As those few that shone by
dawn's first light
The brave, bright red that
will never fade,
By the blood of men's
sacrifice was mad.
The white, for our nation's
Can be kept from stain by you
and me.
The blue; the vastness of
God's own sky,
His promise that freedom shall never die.
The mighty cities; the
farmlands fair;
The many churches for praise
and prayer;
The chance to do, the chance
to be
In a land our forefathers
fought to be free.
The hope that the world is
looking for
In our will for peace but our
strength for war
A symbol we cherish and
And we bar our heads and our hearts beat high
As our flag, "Old Glory" is passing by.
Red, White, Blue Puff Pictures
Red and Blue Food coloring
Mix equal parts of flour, salt and water to make the
puffy paint.
Divide the mixture into thirds.
Add food coloring to make one blue and one red.
Fill the mustard bottles and paint the picture on
different colors of stiff paper.