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Webelos Badge Advancement Ceremonies

A number of Webelos Badge Advancement Ceremonies are presented here.

Native American Ceremony

Each boy receiving the WB is given "warrior marks", i.e., 2 stripes of EASILY WASHABLE paint on each cheek. When our pack did it, we used the colors blue and yellow (gold). The colors should be in the same order on both cheeks.

Round Table Ceremony

The cubmaster is dressed as a king (Arthur, maybe) and "knights" each boy receiving the WB.

Those ideas can also be used for ANY Cub rank advancement.

Spirit of Akela Ceremony

The den(s) gather at stage right. Across the front of the room are standard issue poster pictures of Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos badges (large enough to be seen). Each was attached to a pole in a flag stand about five feet from the ground. Below the poster an arm made from plastic plumbing extended out with an elbow up to hold a candle (all painted in blue and gold of course). At stage left was a large rectangular shape shrouded by a gold colored cloth. A flood light was situated below on the floor pointing up. Cubmaster has a single lighted candle with a paper wax catcher.

Lights dim. Cubmaster standing by Bobcat asks Cubs to advance and circle around. Cubmaster announces that he as Akela was proud when each joined the Pack and became a Bobcat - light Bobcat candle.

Cubmaster passes candle to their old Wolf Den Leader, who asks them to follow and form a circle in front of the Wolf Poster. Tells them how proud they have made their parents when they became Wolves and lights candle.

Wolf Den Leader passes candle to Bear Den Leader, who asks them to follow and form a circle in front of the Bear Poster. Tells them how much they grew and how they should be proud of their accomplishments in becoming Bears and lights candle.

Bear Den Leader passes candle to Webelos Leader, who asks them to follow and form a circle in front of the Webelos Poster. He explains to all what they have done and asks parents to come forward and stand behind sons. Patch is presented to parents to pin on uniform upside down until a good turn is accomplished.

Wait until all presentations have been finished. Parents may be seated, Scouts remain. All lights are extinguished except candles.

Deep voice from behind the shrouded emblem. "Scouts, I am the spirit of Akela and I congratulate you on having earned your Webelos Badges. Please turn and face this direction." All turn - hopefully :).

"You have accepted many challenges and proven yourselves, now will you accept another challenge - the challenge of earning the Arrow of Light?"

At this point the shroud is withdrawn and the floodlight switched on illuminating a large golden arrow of light against a blue background (they used gold glitter to improve on light reflection).

"If you will accept this challenge, please give the Cub Scout Sign and repeat after me: I will do my best ----- to learn ---- to accept responsibility ---- and to fulfill ----- the requirements ----- for the Arrow of Light."


Lights on - Scouts Seated.

When Camelback Mountain Walked the Earth

(Story Rock, by Rick Clements)

People Required:

  1. Akela (Cubmaster)
  2. Baloo (Asst. Cubmaster)
  1. Mountain scene with broken bridge
  2. Badges (with tape affixed to the card the badge is on)
Akela: Long ago, a group of braves from a tribe went out hunting. One brave sat on a rock to rest.

Baloo: He heard a voice speak to him.

Akela: The brave jumped up, trying to figure where the voice was coming from.

Baloo: It was the rock. The rock told him a story about when Camelback, Four Peaks, and the Superstition Mountains walked the earth. They were a family like people have families today.

Akela: For many days the brave listened to the stories from the rock. The other braves wondered why he was catching so little and followed him one day.

Baloo: The other braves heard the rocks stories too. It told them that the bridge of the gods once was a rock bridge over the Salt River. But, the tribes began to fight. Camelback mountain was so mad, it threw rocks at the bridge and broke it. This left the two tribes on opposite sides of the river with no way to fight each other. The rock told them to tell this story to their children, so it would not be forgotten.

Akela: The Webelos we are honoring tonight and the Webelos we honored previously are now the oldest boys in our pack. It is their job to tell the stories of our pack to the younger boys. They can tell them about the (list activities) (i.e. pinewood derby, the hikes, Day Camp) and the many other activities they have enjoyed. Baloo, please call up the boys we are honoring tonight.

Baloo: Will (names) please come forward with their parents?

Baloo: To earn the Webelos badge each scout must earn the Webelos fitness activity pin and two others. These scouts have learned about Boy Scouting and respect for God.

(Hand badge to the parents.)

Akela: Parents, would you please present to your son his Webelos down, with the tape. Once he performs a good deed, it may be permanently attached right side up. The pin is worn by the parents as an indication that Cub Scouting will always be a family activity.

Baloo: Since you boys are the youth leaders of our Pack, I want to leave you with a challenge. Over this next year, help me find ways to make the Pack even more fun. Will the Pack join me in the Cub Scout cheer? After I say Cub, you reply Scout.

Another Native American Ceremony

We rent a couple of Native American costumes complete with war bonnets. The Cubmaster and Webelos Den Leader Coach dress up. We lower the lights and the Webelos Den Leader Coach holds up a single candle and does the "Scouting Spirit" introduction. He announces to Akela, Chief of the Webelos Tribe, that some young braves have satisfied their requirements and are ready to be recognized.

The Webelos den leaders for the boys and their den chiefs serve as an honor guard. All of the Pack den leaders form a corridor of light with candles (light from the single candle on stage). The rest of the unit leadership serves as our background (Native American song) chanters.

One of the honor guard (in front of procession) carries and beats a large tom-tom drum (slow rhythm); another (at the rear of the procession) rings some slay bells in between each beat of the drum. If possible, we get a member of the local Order of Arrow to dress in full regalia and carry our wooden Arrow of Light symbol in front of the procession.

Once we get the boys (and parents) to the stage, the webelos den leaders lead the boys in "repeating after me" the stanzas of the Boy Scout Promise. Akela presents them with their patch. He explains the symbolism of the flu-de-lee design and that this one Cub Scout patch is not turned upside down. Parents pin it on. Then Akela charges them with the challenge of earning the Arrow of Light.

At the end, we have the OA do a celebration dance and the audience applauds.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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