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This is a list of my collection of closing ceremonies as of 9/1/94 if you are interested in a copy contact: Dave Manchester Compuserve 74766,3651

A CREED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closings 8










CAMPFIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Closings 15







Have a small birthday candle at each Cub Scout table setting and have larger candle on all tables. At the proper time, the Cubmaster announce that each Webelos Scout should come forward and receive a lighted candle to take to his table. After he reaches his table all other lights are turned off.

CUBMASTER: America's manpower begins with Boy power. As we light all our candles, you can see the room is growing brighter (Cubs light their candles). That is the way it is in Cub Scouting in our community as we increase our Boy power. One Cub Scout may not be very big, but as our members grow we can light up all our homes and make everyone aware of our Cub Scout spirit. Let's make Cub Scouting really shine with Boy power. (lights come on and candle are blown out). Do your best.

Cub Scout respond: We'll do our best!


ARRANGEMENT: Have Cub Scouts and their families form a large circle. The Cubmaster then reads the following prayer, which was broadcast to earth by U.S. Astronaut Frank Borman, while on a moon orbiting mission in December, 1968. (Cubmaster should explain what he is reading).

Give us, O God, the vision which can see the love in the world, in spite of our failure. Give us the faith to trust Thy goodness in spite of our ignorance and weakness. Give us the knowledge that we my continue to pray with understanding hearts, and show us what each one of us can do to set forward the spirit of universal peace.


PERSONNEL: Cubmaster

EQUIPMENT: Nature pictures. Slides of nature. Film strip of nature. Pictures of endangered wildlife, badges for boys.

ARRANGEMENT: Cubmaster in front of audience.

CUBMASTER: Nature is a beautiful thing, something we have enjoyed for many, many years. What would life be like without nature? Without any of this (point to pictures, slides, and/or film strip). Cub Scouts are taught how important nature is. How they can preserve nature?

With their knowledge of nature, we have some Cub Scouts who have completed the requirements to advance in rank. Will the following Cub Scouts and their parents come forward. (Bugs are a part of nature. Present each boy with a plastic bug or with a picture of wildlife and tell them to "do their best" to continue preserving nature so it can be enjoyed for years to come. Give the badges to the parents to present to their boys.)

(Have the pack form a friendship circle.) Did you ever pause to think about how helpful a tree is? It provides a nesting place for birds, shade from the sun and protection from the rain. It discards it's dead branches, providing wood for fires and for cooking foods. It adds beauty to the countryside. We must admit that a tree gives a lot more than it receives. We can learn a lesson from the tree by doing our best to be helpful to others by putting others first and ourselves second. Remember the lesson we learned from the tree TO GIVE MORE TO OTHERS THAN WHAT WE RECEIVE.


The following closing could be done by a den of boys standing up front and reciting together the first eight lines or have one of them as narrator, take a few steps forward and say:

Baden Powell had a vision,
That he made come true,
So now we can enjoy Scouting,
And have fun while we do.

While he wasn't an American,
He's become famous to us,
Earning though America,
Our admiration and trust.

As adult leader faces audience and says:

Now may the Spirit of Scouting,
Be with both young and old.
As you remember again,
The meaning of Blue and Gold.

May you strive for truth and spirituality,
In the warm sunlight under the sky above,
As you bring good cheer and happiness
With steadfast loyalty brought through love.

Good Night and Happy Scouting!!


Make a large, oversized birthday book from poster board. Cut the poster board in half crosswise and punch holes along one side. String together with colorful yarn.

Draw a birthday cake on the front cover. Page one starts out "Once upon a time."The last page says, "The End."

In the middle pages, write some of your pack history.

When was it started? Who were some of the Cubmasters? What activities has your pack done? The Cubmaster sits in a rocking chair to "read" the story about Blue and Gold traditions. Comment how this banquet will be added to the pages of this birthday book for those in the future to remember.

Close the book saying, and they Lived happily ever after.


NARRATOR: (Lines up all the Cubs who have pictures of birds, facing the audience.)

Tonight our theme was "Bird Watchers". It is our duty as Cubs, as parents, as Americans, to appreciate the beauty in birds. Let us conduct ourselves so that we may pass on the beauty of birds to our children and our children's children. The greatest enemy of most birds is pollution and we all know that we must prevent pollution. Do your part to keep our America beautiful.


Birds are a very important part of nature, without them we would be over run with insects, and we would surely miss watching them in flight and listening to them sing. To remind us of how important birds and nature are lets all repeat the outdoor code together, (have code written on poster board).

As an American, I will do my best to be clean in my outdoor manners, be careful with fire, be considerate in the outdoors and be conservation minded.


CUBMASTER:Have you ever thought of the blood and tears that have been shed for our nation throughout the years? We have won all our wars, but we have not yet learned to conquer our fears and hates. No. it hasn't been easy to keep our land free. Now the challenge

is passed on to you and me. So be proud you are an American. Hold your head high! Think of these things as our flag passes by.


Have a small birthday candle at each Cub Scout table setting and have larger candles on all tables. At the proper time, the Cubmaster announces that each Webelos Scout should come forward and receive a lighted candle to take to his table. After he reaches his table all other lights are turned off.

CUBMASTER: America's Manpower begins with Boy power. As we light all our candles, you can see the room is growing brighter (Cubs light their candles). That is the way it is in Cub Scouting in our community as we increase our Boy power. One Cub Scout may not be very big, but as our members grow we can light up all our homes and make everyone aware of our Cub Scout spirit. Let's make Cub Scouting really shine with Boy power (lights come on and candles are blown outs.) Do your best.

Cub Scouts responds

We'll do our best!


NARRATOR: (Lights out) To a Cub Scout it looks very black when there is no Leader, no Den, no Pack. Wait, here's a leader a Cubmaster!

CUBMASTER: (Lights a candle)

NARRATOR: But the job is more than one person can handle. He needs a Den Leader and Committeemen also, be there is so much to do. Now, he has found another Leader a Committeeman.

COMMITTEEMAN: (Lights a candle)

NARRATOR: Here's a Den Leader!

DEN LEADER: (Lights a candle)

NARRATOR: Look here! We have a Den Leader Coach!

DEN LEADER COACH: (Lights a candle)

NARRATOR: For our Cub Scout it is now getting bright.
Our Cub Scout no more will he grope,
To find his way along the road,
That millions like him often strode.

To wear the uniform of the Blue and Gold,
The Law of his Country and God to uphold,
You also can now see your way too,
So if all together we hold our candles high,
Cub Scouts will never die!

Let's all stand and sing: (Either God Bless America or Good Night Cubbers)


Now may the great Captain of all Scouts
Who created the seas and all things that live therein
And Who gave us dominion over them
Be with us till we meet again.


Form a circle around the derby track.

CUBMASTER: Coming together is a beginning. (Now cross arms and hold the hands of people beside you.)

"Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." This is a quote from the famous car maker. Henry Ford.

All of the dens come together to form the beginning of our pack. Keeping together at our monthly pack meetings is progress. Working together in Cub Scouting is surely a success story of which you each have a great part. Let's remember this in the coming months. Please repeat with me The Law of the Pack.

Thanks for coming out for our Pinewood Derby tonight. We've worked together and made every boy in Pack (#) a winner!


Using eight Cub Scouts holding cutouts of cars made from poster board and painted in different bright colors. As each boy speaks his line, the car is turned over to show the large letter printed on back of each one to spell out the word: CONSERVE.

C Cars and busses and such were invented by men.

O Oil fields were discovered also by them.

N Nobody really worried about the amount of fuel this would take.

S So on no transportation did they put the brake.

E Eventually the amount of fuel used grew astonishingly.

R Raising on everyone's mind a great big doubt.

V Very soon the world's traffic was put to the test.

E Everybody to conserve fuel must now do their best!


PERSONNEL: 5 Cub Scouts

SETTING: Boys up front

CUB #1: We, the cowboys of the western plains are bound by our desire to live free.

CUB #2: We must, therefore,show respect for our fellow man,

CUB #3: Respect for his beliefs,

Respect for his belongings,

Respect for his privacy,

Respect for the ground he walks on and the air he breathes.

CUB #4: In doing so, we show respect for ourselves.

CUB #5: And secure freedom for all.

This page is maintained by Bill Nelson. Please send all comments and suggestions to him.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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