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  Boy Scout Rank Ceremonies


LEADER:  Tonight, we welcome some new Scouts into our Troop.  Since the last Court of  Honor,_______  have started coming to our Troop and have completed the joining  requirements to become a Scout.  I now ask ______ and their (his) parents to come forward. 

You are about to pledge yourself to a way of life that has guided millions 
of boys before you.  It is not a promise to be taken lightly.  Are you ready 
to take this promise? 


LEADER: Will the members of the Troop please stand and give the Scout sign, repeat after me the Scout Oath. 

LEADER: On my honor, I will do my best.  (Candidate repeats) 

LEADER: To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law. (Candidate repeats) 

LEADER: To help other people at all times.  (Candidate repeats). 

LEADER: To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally 
straight. (Candidate repeats) 

LEADER: As a new Scout in Troop ___, we expect you to uphold the ideals and program  of the troop.  You will be expected to live according to the Scout Law and the Scout  Oath you took tonight and to be regular in attendance at troop activities.  We know  you will be a fine addition to our troop, and we welcome you. 


(This assumes there was a Scout presentation prior to this one and that the actual badge of rank was presented previously, when the rank was achieved.  If not, this needs to be modified.) 

LEADER: Since the last Court of Honor, _______  has completed the requirement for the rank of Tenderfoot.   I now call _____ and his (their) parents to come forward. 

LEADER: You have just heard our new Scout(s) pledge himself (themselves) to the Scout Oath.  Over this past year, since you first joined this Troop, you have said these words many times.  You have learned various skills which will serve as a basis as you travel on your Trail to Eagle.  You have learned some basic first aid skills and to tie knots and you have improved your physical fitness. But these skills are only the beginning.  As you advance into other ranks, you will learn more knots, more first aid skills, how to use a compass, how to cook.  The activities you participate in will become more challenging. 

When you passed your Board of Review, you were presented with your new badge(s) of rank.  I now present to you your rank advancement cards, which document this achievement.  Keep these cards, and all other cards you receive in Scouting, in a safe place.  As you advance in Scouting, these can become invaluable in documenting your achievements when you submit your Eagle application or if you move to a new location. 


Call Second Class Scouts and parents to the front 

LEADER: Once before, you stood before this court and became (a) Tenderfoot Scout(s).  Time has passed since then.  You have used that time well in pursuing Scout activities and knowledge and have distinguished yourselves by qualifying for Second Class rank. 

This rank of Second Class represents to you the opportunities for service to others.  By living according to the Scout Oath and Law, you are adding your bit to the fires of good citizenship and world brotherhood. 

I know that you will wear the Second Class badge with honor and distinction.  To prove that you know the rules, by which this award may be worn honorably, I ask you to lead the Troop in the Scout Law. Will the members of the Troop please stand and give the Scout sign. 

SCOUTS: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. 

LEADER: I present to you the badge and rank advancement card, documenting your achievement. 


LEADER: The First Class rank represents a significant step in Scouting.  It represents the "complete Scout."  I now ask First Class Scout(s) ______ and his (their) parent(s) to come forward. 

LEADER:  As a First Class Scout, you have earned the opportunity and right to demonstrate and abide by the code to which a true and mature Scout is forever bound by his Scout Oath and Law.  Do you accept this greater responsibility of First Class Scout?  If so answer "I do." 

In qualifying for First Class rank, you have advanced from Scout hiker to more skillful living in the outdoors for longer periods of time.  In this experience, you have become a Scout camper, better able to take care of yourself and others.  As we present you with your First Class badge and rank advancement card, I charge you to continue your development as a Scout camper, so that you may better serve others. 


Since the last Court of Honor, ____ Scouts have advanced to Star Scout.  I ask ______ and their parents to come forward. 

Scouts, in receiving your Star rank tonight, you are taking a long step toward Eagle.  You have advanced in a way that obligates you to give younger Scouts the service and experiences you have received.  Tonight, you are leaving that group which receives Scouting.  You are now admitted to a smaller group whose privilege and duty it is to give Scouting - to give leadership, guidance, and inspiration to younger Scouts who will follow your lead.  Your willingness to do so will be a pledge of service and a sign that your understanding of the ideals of Scouting is growing.  May this Star Scout badge be a constant reminder of the star of service that will shine as a guide to lead you on the trail to manhood. 


Since the last Court of Honor, ____ Scouts have advanced to Life Scout.  I ask ______ and their parents to come forward. 

Scouts, in receiving your Life rank tonight, you are approaching  your last step toward Eagle.  You have shown that you can lead your troop in service and share in the Scouting experiences you have received.  Tonight, you are entering that select group who will directly work towards their Eagle rank.  In doing so, you must not only give service, you must also lead others in performing a service project of your choosing.   Your willingness to do so will be a pledge of service and a sign that your understanding of the ideals of Scouting.  When you are finished with the requirements we will give you, you will, indeed, be worthy to join those few who are Eagle Scouts.  May this Life  Scout badge be a constant reminder of the life of service that will shine as a guide to lead you on the trail to manhood. 

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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