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Boy Scout Leadership Ceremonies
The Scoutmaster directs the Senior Patrol Leader to the Troop's flag pole and directs his left hand to the pole.
He turns to the troop and says "Troop Attention"
Scoutmaster turns back to the SPL and says: Give the Scout sign and repeat after me please: " I promise to do my best -- to be worthy of the office of Senior Patrol Leader -- for the sake of my fellow Scouts and my troop -- and in the World Brotherhood of Scouting."
Scoutmaster: Two
Scoutmaster: I congratulate you on being elected to this position. Realize the responsibility that you have committed to. Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do. You are now in charge of your troop, lead them with a firm but gentle hand.
Scoutmaster: You may be seated.
PATROL LEADER INVESTITURE CEREMONY (Adapted from a ceremony published in Leader's Online by Mike Walton)
The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader directs the Patrol Leaders to gather around the Troop's flag pole with their left hands on the pole.
He turns to the troop and says "Troop Attention. " Then turns to the Senior Patrol Leader and says: "The new Patrol Leaders are ready to be installed."
The Senior Patrol Leader steps closer to the Troop's flag and says "Give the Scout sign and repeat after me please: " I promise to do my best -- to be worthy of the office of Patrol Leader -- for the sake of my fellow Scouts -- in my patrol and troop -- and in the World Brotherhood of Scouting."
SPL: Two
SPL: I congratulate all of you on being elected to this position. Realize the responsibility that you have committed to and be an example to your fellow Scouts. You are now in charge of your patrols. Lead them with a firm but gentle hand. I warmly welcome you to the Patrol Leader's Council.
SPL: You may be seated.