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This is a list of my collection of closing ceremonies as of 9/1/94
if you are interested in a copy contact: Dave Manchester Compuserve
I have often stopped to look at our Flag rippling in the breeze
from a flag staff atop a tall building and marveled at it's beauty,
with it's 13 stripes of Red and it's Stars of a field of Blue.
I often wondered why these colors were chosen, and I find that
Red is a symbol of Bravery, White is a symbol of Purity, and Blue
is a symbol of Love and Devotion.
The Cloth of which our Flag is made is made up of millions of
threads and stitched, and all bound together and each doing it's
part, it makes the background for our Flag.
In the same way our Country is made up of millions of individuals,
with different Religious beliefs, different colors and creeds,
but all bound together in the common cause to see that Liberty
and Justice prevails in this Country of ours.
When looking at out flag, I can understand how proud of it Francis
Scott Key was when he wrote our National Anthem. He had gone over
to a British battle ship anchored in Baltimore Harbor to intercede
for the release of a friend of his held captive by the British.
When he walked into the British Captain's cabin he overheard the
plans the British were making to assault Fort McHenry that night.
The British Captain agreed to release Key's friend on the condition
that Francis Scott Key remain overnight aboard the ship so that
he could not tip off the plans for the assault.
As darkness was closing in, Francis Scott Key was on the deck
of the ship and the last thing he saw was Old Glory proudly floating
above Fort McHenry. During the night the British made a terrific
assault on Fort McHenry and Francis Scott Key had his doubts as
to whether the Fort could stand during the night. As dawn was
breaking, Francis Scott Key walked out onto the deck of the ship
and the first thing that met his gaze was Old Glory still proudly
floating above the Fort, and the words of our National Anthem,
The Star Spangled Banner, came to him at this time.
Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming.
I think we should be as proud of our Flag as was Francis Scott
Key, and that we should re-pledge our Allegiance to our Flag.
(Have all stand and give Pledge of Allegiance.)
CUBMASTER: Fellows, our lives are made up of many different acts
or parts. As young boys, you act the part of a Webelos, or a Cub.
In school you act the part of a student. At home you act the part
of a son. Whatever part you act, do what is right and do your
best so you too someday may be a good parent, and a good citizen
just like all the adults around you today.
See you all next month.
CUBMASTER: This evening we have shared our respect for our great
country. We have seen some of the glory that is the United States.
The most fitting end to our meeting is to sing "America the
Beautiful". In this great song we sing of the glory of our
great land, but the last two lines of every verse have an acknowledgement
of God who guides us all. Just to recall the last two lines of
the first verse.
"America, America, God shed his grace on thee. And crown
they good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea."
Everyone please stand and join me in singing "America the
America needs men with a concern for the common good -- men who
have the understanding and insight to help solve her problems
and those of the changing world around us. she needs citizens
of integrity who value their great heritage and who are determined
to pass on to others an enduring faith in the ideals and methods
of our free society.
How does a boy come to know and to appreciate his heritage as
a citizen of this nation? How does his sense of responsibility
and his concern for others unfold?
Begin with him when he is a Cub Scout as he promises with all
the solemnity of an 8-year old "to do my duty to God and
my country." Watch the pride and loving care with which
he handles the flag as he is taught to fold it. He may not fully
understand all that it stands for, but someday he will. with
Observe him later as he stands tall, alert and proud in his khaki
uniform as the flag is lowered at Scout camp.He is living everyday
experiences as a good citizen and showing concern for the needs
of others. He is growing and practicing the fundamentals of citizenship.
All of this time he is under the friendly guidance and companionship
of men who care about him.
Now he is grown tall. in high school. an Explorer. He ponders
the words of the Explorer Code. There is conviction in his voice
as he says: "I will treasure my American heritage and will
do all I can to preserve and enrich it."
And so this young American comes to manhood. He has grown through
his Scouting experiences and though the influences of many men
and women who have helped him. He has a job and a family and is
making himself count in his community. He is a citizen of a great
nation. He understands his heritage and cheerfully accepts his
future obligations to all men.
He has been a Scout. He is America's answer!
EQUIPMENT: A red candle, white candle, blue candle.
ARRANGEMENT: Room is dark except for the three candles.
PERSONNEL: Four Scouts.
SCOUT 1. As I put out this white candle representing purity, may
we be ever mindful of this obligation that a Scout is clean. He
is clean in body and thought, stands for clean speech, clean sport,
clean habits, and travels with a clean crowds.
SCOUT 2. As I put out this blue candle representing loyalty, may
we be ever mindful of this obligation that a Scout is loyal. He
is loyal to all to whom loyalty is due, his Scout leader, his
home, his parents, and his country.
SCOUT 3. As I put out this red candle representing courage and
sacrifice, may we be ever mindful of our obligation that a Scout
is brave. He has the courage to face danger in spite of fear,
and to stand up for the right against the coaxing of friends and
the jeers or threats of enemies and defeat does not drown him.
SCOUT 4. May we close this pack meeting by reminding our selves
of our duty according to the American's Creed;
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country
To love it;
To support its constitution;
To obey its laws;
To respect its flag; and
To defend it against all enemies.
CUB #1: All of our American Folklore heroes were hard working
people, You won't find a shirker in the bunch.
CUB #2: Campfire stories about them tell us so.
CUB #3: All were Americans trying to improve this young country
of ours.
CUB #4: As we leave her tonight, lest us keep those hard working
Americans in our mind.
CUB #5:Do the same as they did, so more than your share.
CUB #6: Help your parents whenever they ask and even when they
CUB #7: Maybe some day, there will be a legend that tells about
your great deeds.
EQUIPMENT: Candelabra with three candles; one larger candle.
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster and all present and former Cub Scouts.
CUBMASTER: Tonight we have had a lot of fun at the otherwise birthday
of Cub Scouting and the ______ birthday of our own pack. As Cub
Scouts and leaders, we are following a trail blazed by millions
of other boys, men, and women.
All of them have had the Cub Scout spirit, which we symbolize
with the flame of this one candle. (Light larger candle. Extinguish
room lights.) What is the Cub Scout spirit? That's easy. It's
the three things we promise to do in the Cub Scout Promise. We
say, "I promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my
country." That's the first part. (Light one candle on candelabra.)
The second part is, "To help other people." (Light second
candle.) And the third is, "To obey the Law of the Pack."
(Light third candle.) Now, while these candles burn as a reminder
to us, will all Cub Scouts, and former Cub Scouts who are with
us tonight, please stand, and repeat the Promise with me. (Lead
This page is maintained by Bill Nelson.
Please send all comments and suggestions to him.