Apprentice Sea Scout Rank emblem

Apprentice Sea Scout - 2002-2010

These are the requirements before they were REVISED effective with the release of the 2010 edition of the Sea Scout Manual (33239)

To see the current requirements, Click here.


  1. Qualify as an official member of your Sea Scout ship by taking part in the ship's admission ceremony.
  2. Repeat from memory and discuss with an adult leader the Sea Promise and Scout Oath and Law. Discuss the Venturing Code and agree to carry out the provisions of your ship's code.

Active Membership

  1. Provide evidence that your dues are paid up and that you are doing your fair share in helping to finance your ship's program.
    Note: Check with your ship's purser.
  2. Describe the Sea Scout uniform and obtain one. Tell how and when the uniform is worn and how to care for it.

Special Skills

  1. Seamanship: Using both large and small line, tie and explain the use of the following knots: square knot, bowline, clove hitch, sheet bend, two half hitches, figure-of-eight, and cleat hitch. Demonstrate the ability to use a heaving line.
  2. Safety: Know the basic safety rules for small boats. Know the safety rules that apply to the floating equipment used by your ship, and safety standards in the use of power tools, machinery, lifting heavy objects, and other safety devices used by your ship. Demonstrate the proper use of a personal flotation device such as a life jacket or a life buoy. Be familiar with and be able to list the standard marine distress signals, and demonstrate the procedure to send a VHF distress call.
  3. Customs: Demonstrate the proper procedure for boarding a vessel. Demonstrate normal usage of personal courtesy on board a ship.
  4. Swimming: Swim 75 yards/meters in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards/meters using an easy resting backstroke. After completing the swim, rest by floating. Discuss the Safe Swim Defense Plan with a ship's officer.
  5. Work: Log at least 16 hours work on ship's equipment, projects, or activities other than regular ship meetings, parties, dances, or fun events.
    Note: Arrange for this through the ship's petty officers.

Source : Sea Scout Manual (#33239C), 2002 Edition

For more details on Sea Scouting,
including References, and Web References for the requirements shown above,
see the official Sea Scouting Web Site, at

Page updated on: September 16, 2022

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