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Colonial District Cub
Plan Now For Your
Are You An Adult
Leader In A Cub Scout Pack? If You Are,
Then You Need To Begin Planning Your 1999 JOIN SCOUTING NIGHT (JSN99). JSN99 will be Thursday, September 16, 1999. JSN99 is the premier opportunity in 1999 to
take the Cub Scout message to those boys in our community who are not yet part
of the Scouting program and invite them and their parents to join the FUN!
637 New Cubs
Scouting is for
EVERY boy. We need to do our best to
ensure that every boy and parent in Colonial District is invited to join the
adventure of Scouting, the one that will help shape the lives of those who are
our future leaders of our communities and our nation. On September 30, 1998, there were 937 registered Cub Scouts in Colonial
District. At the end of December, there
were 1,363, or about 9 new Cubs in each of our 48 schools in the District. On December 31, 1999, we hope to have 2,000
- this number represents 13 new Cubs in each school.
Like everything else in Scouting, a
successful Join Scouting campaign depends on our volunteers, those who are
already in the program, who know what it offers to our youth and who will make
the commitment to achieve success. Each
Cub Scout pack should begin planning now to invite all boys and their parents
to an elementary school near their home to learn about Scouting and offered the
opportunity to join a Cub Scout pack.
In the National Capital Area Council, it is the intent that every
elementary school in the council be open on the same night Thursday, September
16th. If you are unable to conduct your
JSN on the 16th, you should select a date that is closest to the 16th, but
not later than the 16th, as registration forms are due on the 17th and
Join Scouting
Night is a short, fast-moving session where boys and parents gather to see
simple displays and to hear a brief outline for the Scouting program. They will talk with adult leaders, fill out
applications (parents, too), pay fees and get information about meetings and
Join Scouting
Night Requires People To Make It Work.
Each pack will
need to identify a pack coordinator and one school coordinator for each of
those schools where you recruit new Cubs (see list below).
The school
coordinator presides at JSN99 program at the school, helps parents register the
boys, collects the fees and turns the forms and fees over to the pack
coordinator, who turns them in to Colonial District on Friday, September 17th
or Saturday, September 18th. To do a
good job, these people need to be identified early and begin their coordination
with their assigned school.
The school
coordinator has one more very important job - to make a classroom presentation in
every classroom, on the 16th and distribute a flyer to every boy who is
eligible to become a Scout. When the
boy leaves school for the day and arrives at his home with the flyer, the
parent is reminded that tonight is Join Scouting Night and encouraged to
National Capital
Area Council recommends Join Scouting Night include exhibits and displays with
Scouts in uniform and pictures of their activities. Name tags should be provided for parents. It is critical to coordinate your use of a
school room early with school authorities.
After conducting an opening ceremony, the school coordinator should
briefly state the purpose of the meeting and describe the opportunities for
Cubs and how parents can participate in the program. Unit leaders should be introduced and given the opportunity to
tell about the unit. (Don't forget to invite a unit leader from your local Boy
Scout troop to invite boys who are at least 1 1 to join the troop.) You may
want to organize separate meetings for parents and Tiger Cub leaders, Cub Scout
leaders and Boy Scout leaders. At these
meetings, the leaders should emphasize the importance of the parent joining
Scouting along with the boy, since Scouting is a volunteer organization.
NCAC also
recommends that you provide information on the unit to include its leadership,
meeting time and place, your chartered partner, Boys' Life
subscriptions, the program for 19992000, advancement and your den
organization. You should conclude your
JSN with a game for the boys and leave the school grounds by 9 PM.
What Do You Need
To Do Now?
COORDINATORS right away! Don't wait
until fall.
2. Tell us who your Unit Coordinator is. Call or send an E-mail to:
3. Coordinate your Join Scouting Night plans
with your unit commissioner.
Your Unit
Coordinator should attend the Join Scouting Night Orientation on August I I OR
September 8 to pick up registration forms and other materials to make Join
Scouting Night successful for your Pack, but let us know NOW who to talk to in
your Pack to help you make Scouting available to every boy!
Following is the
list of schools in Colonial District needing a Join Scouting Night presentation
this September. Each school is paired
to one Cub Scout pack based upon the recruiting area for the pack. NOTE: The pack is asked to conduct a Join
Scouting Night presentation at its associated school or schools and to recruit
boys for that pack AND for any other pack that the parent wishes the boy to
join, at the discretion of the parent.
Area I Packs: Paired School(s) for JSN99:
129 Barrett Elem., Mason Elem.
133 Lyles Crouch Elem., Maury Elem.
602 Alexandria Country Day, Saint Mary's
609 Jefferson Houston Elem.
614 James K. Polk Elem, Blessed Sacrament,
Patrick Henry Elem.
615 Ramsey Elem., Adams Elem.
801 MacArthur Elem.
1108 Cora Kelly Elem., Mt. Vernon Elem.
1515 St. Stephens (Lower School), Grace
Episcopal, Immanuel Lutheran
Area 2 Packs: Paired School(s) for JSN99
867 Bush Hill Elem., Franconia Elem.
871 Groveton Elem.
1076 Calvary Road Christian, Lane Elem.
1520 Burgundy Farm Country Day, Cameron
Elem., Clermont Elem.,
Mt. Eagle Elem.,
Rose Hill Elem.
1943 Browne Academy
Area 3 Packs: Paired School(s) for JSN99
658 Belleview Elem., Bucknell Elem.,
Quander Road Elem.
680 St. Louis Catholic School, Hybla
Valley Elem.
888 Stratford Landing Elem.
1504 Waynewood Elem.
1509 Fort Hunt Elem.
1852 Hollin Meadows Elem.
Area 4 Packs: Paired School(s) for JSN99
118 Fort Belvoir Elem.
876 & 977
(joint) Aquinas Montessori,
Mt. Vernon Woods Elem., Riverside
Elem., Woodlawn Elem., Woodley Hills Elem.
1503 Washington Mill Elem., Engleside
1519 Hayfield Elem.
1900 Gunston Elem.